Coffee Date

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"I will get dressed and take you to your apartment" I said with a sigh. He smiled. "So that's a breakfast date?" Said Kirishima kissing my neck before leaving me in the bathroom. I blush as I walked out and into my room. I pulled on some lose black jeans. I put on a large black hoodie and my black boots.

I walk into the living room and noticed how bad my front door was. It was hanging off the hinges with a large hole near the knob. "Holy fuck when you want to get in nothing can stop some beast" I said walking up to it. "Sorry again for the door" said Kirishima behind me. "Ugh its fine... ive been wanting to move for a while anyway" I said looking back at him. "Where did you have in mind? There's an apartment  nextdoor to me for rent" said Kirishima with a smile. I roll my eyes.

I drive Kirishima to his apparment after a temporary fix to the front door. I wait in the car for him. As as I did I started to get lost in thought. Why dose Kiri like me at all...even after I told him how bad I am. Is it pity or is he just blinded by love. And if so  what if his love fades and he sees how bad I am. I snap out of my thoughts when a hand slapped on the hood. "Lets go get some breakfast babe" said Kirishima getting into the car. Babe? I lifted a brow at the petname.

I drive into town and look for a cafe that was open. Kirishima points excitedly at one and I pull the car over then park it. I take my key and lock the car as Kirishima got out. We walked over to the cafe. I look over at Kirishima who wore a bright orange tank-top and blue ripped jeans. He wore orange flip flops on his feet. This man is going to freeze. Its pretty much fall now.

Kirishima held the door for me. I walk in, it was cute. It had a classic cafe setting with the colors brown, cream and touches of silver. I sat down at the table next to the window. Kirishima sat down with a wide smile. "Todays a beautiful day huh" said Kirishima looking out the window. I look back at him. "Yeah" I said. A skinny boy with long sliver hair walked up to our table. He wore a green shirt, black pants and had a brown apron on. "What will you guy like this morning?" He asked in a quite voice.

"Black coffee and a blueberry muffin" I said as he wrote it down in his notepad. "And you sir?" He asked. "Hmm..I will have a coffee with two sugars and two creamers. Pancakes with bacon as well" said Kirishima as his order was written down. "Alright I will be back with your order shortly" he said before disappearing into the back. I yawned and rest my head onto my hand. My other hand messes with the table cloth.

"Hey you know am so happy right now" said Kirishima taking my free hand. "I never thought the would come when I would be able to be on a date or hold hands or kiss the amazing Bakugo Katsuki" said Kirishima with a warm smile. His eyes were soft and his cheeks were lightly dusted with pink. Am not amazing. "Same here, I never thought for a second that you would be here like this with me" I said blushing a little bit. Kirishima smiled wide showing his teeth. We stare into each other's eyes and I didn't realize I was leaning in until the boy came back. I sat back down and let go of Kirishima's hand.

"Here's your guy's orders" he said placing down our food and drinks i front of us. "Enjoy, I will be back shortly to see if you guys need more coffee" he said before walking back into the kitchen. I bit down into my muffin first. It was bigger than I thought it was going to be. Definitely biggest muffin ive eaten. I put it down and take a sip of my coffee. "I don't now how you can drink black coffee...its so bitter" said Kirishima watching me drink my coffee. "Want a sip?" I asked.

He eyed the coffee in my hand then into my eyes. "Yep" said Kirishima as I gave him the cup. He took a sip and quickly gave the cup back. "Ugh that even coffee...I  don't think I will be able to taste sweet again" said Kirishima. I laugh as he took a bite of his pancakes. "False alarm I can still taste sweets. Fewww close call" laughed Kirishima. We laughed and looked i to each other's eyes again. Kirishima leaned forward and kissed my on the lips. He sits back down as I lick my lips. I can taste the syrup from his pancakes.

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