The Wedding

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I sat down and took a minute to breath. Holy shit this is happening. Holy fuck I need to breath. I looked down at my black suit. I had a red rose in the front pocket. Do I really deserve this? Do I deserve him? I put my hand on my face and tried to calm myself. My parents, grandparents and his family are out there right now. Family and friends on both sides waiting for a happily ever after. The number two hero and the number six hero getting married.

I heard a knock on the changing room door. "You alright in there?" Asked Kirishima's Mom. She's a lovely women. She is short with long black hair and bright orange eyes. Her smile is just as wide as her sons. "Yeah am fine" I said finally able to calm myself. "Alrighty well its about to start. I cant wait to have another son" she said happily before leaving. I sigh. I stood up. I look at the mirror. I look presentable, my hair slicked back and my suit fits me alright.

I walk out of the small changing room and make my way to the double doors. I waited for my que. The music started up and the door opened up. I let out a sigh and walk in. My mother locks arms with me and we walk down the isle. We make it up to the priest and she lets go. She hugs me and goes sit down. I stand to the side as the music starts up again. Eijiro walked in with a matching outfit only he had a bowtie and no flower. He held a bocay of roses as his other Mother leads him down the isle. She had her red hair in a bun and her gold eyes sparkled as she made her way with her son down the isle.

Eijiro had a braid in his slicked hair which is cute. His mother lets go and hugs him. She walked away to seat next to his mom. We looked at each other as the music came to a stop. The preist started the ceremony and I smiled nervously at Eijiro. He smiled back with confidence. "Now do you Bakugo Katsuki take Kirishima Eijiro to be yours through sickness and in health.. only death shall you two part?" Said the priest. "I do" I said. "Kirishima Eijiro do you-" "Yes" said Eijiro. "Okay in a rush I see" he said. Everyone laughed and Eijiro blushed.

"I now pronounce you two married, you may kiss your husband" he said at last. I smiled and kissed Eijiro on the lips. Everyone claps and takes pictures. We walked back down the isle as music started up again. Pinky cheers as we walk past and I noticed my mother crying tears of joy. "You look so handsome" said Eijiro in my ear. I blush and smirk. "So do you" I said with a wink.

Everyone danced at the after party. Me and Eijiro danced then sliced the cake. "Ah how does it feel to be a Bakugo now" said Pinky walking up to us. I ate a piece off our shared piece of cake. "Hmm it feels good. And I love being married to such a manly man" said Eijiro. "Haha I knew you would say that" she said laughing. "Hmm excuse us for a moment Mina" said Eijiro standing up from our table.

I stood up too and he lead me away from everyone. "What is it?" I asked. "Nothing I just wanted a little alone time with my husband" said Eijiro before kissing me on the lips. I kiss back and he broke the kiss. "Look..a shooting star" said Eijiro pointing. I look up to see a shooting star flying across the sky. "Make a wish" he said hugging me from behind. No need. "No already came true" I said looking back at him with a smile.

                              The End

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