Time Fly's

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Bakugo woke up with a headache and nausea. He ran to Mina's bathroom and threw up. His throat was dry and his head pounded. "Hey you doing alright?" Asked Kirishima softly as he walked into the bathroom. "Fuck no...the fuck happened last night..I only remember two minutes after drinking that gross water" He said as he stood up. Kirishima frowns. "Yeah Denki gave you some alcohol" said Kirishima as Bakugo brushed his teeth. "Am going to fuckin kill him" said Bakugo. "Yeah...hey uh do you remember your dare or any of mine?" Asked Kirishima. Bakugo shook his head.

The day went by rather quickly and Bakugo soon found himself driving Kirishima home. They said goodbye and good lucks. Bakugo drove back in silence. Bakugo looked at his phone for the first time that day. Only one text from his mom was seen. Bakugo looked at it then tossed his phone aside. He wished he remembers last night better.

Soon weeks go by and with everyone getting things ready for graduation no one noticed it was only two days away. Bakugo looked at his exam results and wondered how Kirishima did on his. Bakugo tosses the paper onto his small couch and opened a letter from a hero agency, it was Endever's. It was telling him they would love to have him start off as a side kick and work with them. When he passes his pro exam next year they would love him to continue on working with them. Bakugo looked at the letter he should be happy but he can only feel cold. He feels sad and depressed.

Graduation day arrived and Bakugo found himself in a cap and gown. He and his fellow classmates were marching out to the stage. Bakugo found his parents in the crowd. His mother fisting the air and cheering his name loudly with pride. Bakugo smirks at his crazy mother. They take their seats. Bakugo sat next to Kirishima and Mina. Iida gave a speech and introduce the principal. The principal gave a heart warming speech as he stood on his stool. Then the music played. They stood and walked down one by one to get their diploma.

Everyone tossed their caps into the air and walked off stage to find their loved ones. "Congrats man we did it" said Kirishima putting an arm around Bakugo's shoulders. "Yeah we did " Bakugo smiled and brought Kirishima in for a hug. Kirishima smiled wide and hugs him back. "Can't wait to see you become number one bro!" Said Kirishima as they walked into the crowd of people.

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