Netherlands x Reader - You're Good At Dancing [LIME!]

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Okay! Requested from and dedicated to, @HetaliaNetherlands. *smiles sadly* I know you know it's not your business but haha, two of my friends don't like me anymore. They eventually left me...well, I don't know about the other one, he got mad at me.

:D Sorry if I made you wait so long. And sorry about that. It wasn't really a thing you would care about! You may think I'm a sensitive author now. Well, my friend, Nikki, is doing Xreaders! Please check it! It's really cute! Haha. She published it when we had a hang out.

Anyway, please check it! She won't be taking requests though and will try to update as soon as she gets internet!

Well, this only makes me happy. HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS! >~<


You continued to cook while swaying to the song of the radio. You hummed at the same time with the song. Strong arms wrapped around your waist and you stop, lowing the fire of the stove as you looked back to see your loving boyfriend. You smile and he smiles back. "Goemoarn, _________." You nod and greeted back, "Good morning, Abel." He unwrapped his arms around your waist and you continued to cook.

He looks at your shoulders and grinned. "Ah, my favorite."

You laughed. "Really now? It's just a normal German breakfast." He shrugs and went to the mirror. "Ja, it is. But I still love it when you cook it." You blush and coughed, replying a muttered, "It's just wurst." He fixes his tie, hearing you, he continued and raised his eyebrow. "Even though." You roll your (e/c) eyes.

"Whatever." Slipped from your mouth and silence took over, until you were done. "Breakfast's ready." You announced and he was quickly seated on the chair, with a spoon and fork. You placed the plate which contained his breakfast, which was wurst. He started to pray and after he did, he ate it.

"Ah, that was delicious as always, djoerte." You blush and kissed his lips as he kissed back. You break the kiss and with a smile, he stood and grabbed your arm. "Whoa!" You react and he pulled you to his chest. You blush. He wrapped his arm around your waist and the other hand holding yours.

Suddenly a sing came out.

Stringing of guitar came in and you were confused. He started swaying you throughout the stringing of guitars. "I-I'm not good at dancing!" He grins. "You'll see." You were confused again.

I could use a little less rain on the weekends
(Oh woah oh)

He grinned and you roll your eyes. You started to sway with the song, avoiding to step on his feet as you watch both of your feet. "Now this is our song~" He states in a coo. Your cheek flush bright red.

I could use a little less drama from my friends
(Oh woah oh)

He chuckled, thinking it was really cute of you to blush like that. And nonetheless, in front of him of course.

"Dramatic friends? Seriously?" You ask and he shrugs, he answers, "Well, I do have...'dramatic friends' you may say." You laughed.

I could use a little less spam in my e-mail
(Oh woah oh)

You scoff at this. "Whoever mails you?" He frowns and chuckled lightly, "That hurts, djoerte." You giggle and kiss him as a make up for 'hurting' his feelings. He smiles and kiss back.

And a little less talking, a little less detail

You were about to speak but he caught your lips just in time. You kiss back and heard the lyrics, making you chuckle. You think, Abel knows this by heart..?

HETALIA x READER [͜͡R͜͡E͜͡Q͜͡U͜͡E͜͡S͜͡T͜͡S͜͡ C͜͡L͜͡O͜͡S͜͡E͜͡D͜͡]͜͡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin