2. Natalie

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It was early in the morning on the Sunday that Natalie was going to come visit and help David decorate. David woke up and put on a pair black jeans and a black hoodie, before running a comb through his hair to seal off the look. He wanted to impress her. He honestly didn't know why. David was laying on the couch with his laptop editing a vlog, when his phone started ringing.

"Hey Nat what's up?"
"So the flight just took off. I'll text you the terminal and time when I find out."
"Cool. Can't wait to see you."
"Aww thanks David. I can't wait to see you too."
*Both laugh*
"I gotta put my phone on aeroplane mode now, so I'll cya in around 2 hours."
"Ok Nat, see you then."

David's pov

As time passed I grew more and more excited to reunite with Natalie. I was sitting at the airport counting down the time till I got the 'I've landed' text from her.

Natalie was supposed to be here any second now. She had just texted me that her plane landed, so I was just waiting for her to walk up to me. I was sitting on my phone about to text Natalie. "David?" I heard. I look up to see Natalie. She changed since I last saw her. I immediately jump up to pull her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me while laughing. "Woah there. Calm down Dave." She giggled. I go to help her other her suitcase while taking in her appearance. She had changed so much since graduation. She was now almost as tall as me. Her hair was long and wavy as it guided itself down her back. It was a natural dark brown colour, just like I had remembered it. "You look so different." I say as we start walking towards my Tesla. "You look different too," she starts before locking eyes on my Tesla. "No you didn't. You got a fucking Tesla?" I smirk at her reaction. "I remember you saying you would never buy an expensive car because it's a 'waste of money' and that there is no point of paying a lot of money for something that can do the same thing as something you can buy for the same price." She exhales. "God, that sentence was a mouthful." I laugh and open the passenger door for her before fitting her huge suitcase into the boot of my car.

The car journey home was just us catching up with eachothers lives. Once we get to my house she slowly walks towards the door, mouth wide open as she looks at her surroundings. "What do you think?" I ask her, running to open the door for her. "This is incredible!" She says smiling at me. We make our way into the house. "Wow you really have no furniture." She says. "I thought you were over exaggerating." I laughed while leading her to a spare room in the house. "You'll be staying here for the next few days. I need you to decorate the whole house, but your free to stay as long as you want." She nodded thanking me as we continued the tour of the house.

The sun was setting and me and Natalie were sitting by the fireplace outside hole sipping a beer each. "Why did you move to this house alone?" She asks me, slightly throwing me off guard. "That's why I said I needed you." I reply. "I bought this house hoping to ask my girlfriend Liza to move in with me." She gives me a look. "She broke up with me before I even got the chance to ask her. She said we weren't working out,but what if I couldn't make her happy? What if this was my fault?" I continue to vent my feelings to Natalie, not realising the warm salty tears flowing from my eyes until she pulls me into a hug.

"I am so so sorry Dave." She says as I sob into her chest. She wiped me tears away with the palms of her thumbs tearing up herself. "You know Shawn?" I nod sitting up. "He broke up with me. He said I wasn't putting enough effort in our relationship. 3 years. We were together for 3 whole years and he ends it just like that." She finishes. "Natalie I'm sorry." I start but she just shakes her head. "Don't be." She laughs. "I stayed with him after finding him in bed with some other girl. Twice. He's the one who should be sorry. I smile wiping the tears from my cheeks. "I have an idea." I say, jumping up. I reach out for her hand. She takes my hand and I lead her to the Tesla. "What are we doing?" She asks, annoyed. I smirk at her, getting in the driver's seat. I start up the engine and look at her. "Well come on." I say. "You coming?"

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