7. Natalie meets the Vlogsquad

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Today was the day that Natalie would meet the vlogsquad. She was nervous, pacing up and down the hallway, waiting for David to get dressed. She was now slumped down on the cloud couch, playing with her fingers, negative thoughts circling her mind.

David's pov

I walked out of my room to see Natalie on the couch. She doesn't notice me at first. She's so lost in her mind that I decided to tease her. I lean against the door and cross my arms. After 10 seconds of her not acknowledging me, I pull out my phone and start recording her. "Natalie." I say softly. She's still slouched back, twirling her fingers around eachother. "Natalie." I say a bit louder. Still nothing. I sneak behind her and shout. She jumps off the couch screaming, covering her face with her hands. I laugh and apologize. "You recorded that?" She sounded so angry I couldn't help but laugh. She tried to stay mad but failed. "David that's not funn-" she chuckled halfway through her sentance, soon joining in with my laughter.

10 minutes later we are both in the Tesla, making our way to the vlog house. "David is everyone gonna be there?" She questioned, beginning to become nervous once more. I reply by nodding. "God I'm so nervous. What if I come off as annoying? What if I make a bad first impression? What if they don't like me." She stammered on. I scoffed. "You really think they're not gonna like you?" He asks looking me in the eyes. The traffic light had changed from its previous red colour. "David the light.." She said quietly. I chuckled, starting to drive again. "They're gonna love you Nat. Don't even think for a second that you'll come off as annoying. Impossible. You're too shy and adorable to be annoying." It took me a second to process what I just said. Did I actually just call my best friend adorable?

Natalie's pov

I felt a blush sneak up my cheeks as I whispered a quick "Thanks." This isn't usually out of the ordinary for us. We would compliment eachother all the time. But lately, things have changed between us. David is a lot more shy and reserved, but also a goofball when he's around friends. I had noticed a change in me too. Ever since me and Shawn broke up, I had become a lot more confident, maybe even a tad bit full of myself, but I still stayed shy and quiet around new people. Me and David were polar opposites. That's probably why we get on so well.

"We're here!" David said to me excitedly as he hopped out the car. I gave him a weak smile and sighed. "It's okay." He said to me, grabbing hold of my hand. "They'll love  you." He said softly, giving my hand a squeeze. I felt safe with David. Protected. I was starting to feel a bit more... OK with this now. We exchanged glances as we turned the handle and walked inside.

David's pov

The second we walked through the door we almost get obliterated by bullets. "TODD PUT THE NERF GUN DOWN YOU PSYCHO!" Zane shouts, running after him. Natalie half-screams and hides behind me. It was cute, and funny. "ZANE STOP ENCOURAGING HIM! TODD PUT THE NERF GUN BEFORE I MAKE YOU." Jason shouted, trying to be heard over the deafening sounds of screaming and nerf bullets being fired. "That's Jason." I shout to Natalie. "He's like the father of the vlogsquad. He keeps us all in line-" More screaming was heard as Zane shot Todd in the face with the nerf gun "- Well, tries to." She laughs, still in her hiding position behind my back. "Alright everyone!" I yell. Everyone stops screaming and looks at me. "This," I say, gesturing towards her. "Is Natalie."

Natalie's pov

At once, everyone's heads turned to look at me. I blushed and mustered a "Hi!" accompanying it with a small wave. Everyone immediately got up and greeted me with big hugs. I saw David leaning against a wall, arms crossed, skiing at me while I was being surrounded by people trying to talk to me. "Alright everybody one at a time." Said David, making it sound like I was some big celebrity and they were all paparazzi. Zane was the first to speak. I knew his name was Zane from all the previous shouting. "Welcome to LA!" He said, pulling me into a hug. "How are you liking it so far?" I smiled replying. "It's amazing. Everyone's so nice and welcoming and there are loads of incredible views!" Another girl comes up to me. She had light blonde hair and was wearing jean shorts and a crop top. She was really pretty. However, before she could talk, David interrupted her. "Alright, speaking of views, where's Jason? We've got a podcast to record." Everyone laughed as he walked towards 'the father of the group', Jason. The girl started talking time, averting my attention the my previous conversations.

Sooner or later I had never to get to know everyone. The girl's name from before was Carly. She was accompanied by a tall, red haired girl called Erin. After that I met Corinna, the 'slut' of the group. Even though she had such an strange title, she was super friendly. I had a feeling that me, her, Carly, and Erin were going to be great friends in the future.

After that, I was greeted by 3 guys piling over eachother to talk to me. I quickly learned that their names were Todd, Jeff, and Joe. Joe has his own segment of the podcast, so mine and his conversation was cut short seeing as he had to go help record. On the other hand, I met Todd. He had no shirt on so I could see his evenly tanned muscular body. He had a pair of perfect white teeth and black/brown hair curling up, avoiding his forehead. Next we had 'ex convict' Jeff Wittek. He too, was lacking a shirt, so my eyes trailed down to his 8-pack. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said to me. I'm going to be completely honest. I was disgusted at the first impression he offered me. I gave him a look and walked over to Scotty and Kristen, who were (in my opinion) the best vlogsquad couple. There was Todd and Corrina, and Jason and Trisha, but let's be honest. Neither of those are going to last another month.

Scotty is best know for his music. He is an amazing singer, who definitely deserves more recognition. Scotty Sire, it even has a nice ring to it. Kristen was super nice to me. She was constantly complementing me and my outfit. "It's so great to have another girl around, especially with all those crazy guys all over the place." She was my favourite person isn't LA, by far. Well apart from David of course.

Next was Trisha. She had a bad vibe lingering off her. Her body was covered by Gucci and Louis Vuitton, and half of that body was made up of plastic. "Hi I'm Trish!" She said with a huge fake smile on her face, extending her arm out for me to shake it. I hesitantly shook it with an awkward action. Her smile became even more fake and she quickly removed her hand, attempting to wipe it on her shirt without me noticing. "Ok haha great meeting you!" She said in her usually, squeaky, voice. I smiled and nodded, rolling my eyes and walking away.

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