12. Party pt.1

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We all crammed into the Tesla, dressed up in our party clothes. Me and Natalie were sitting in the comfort of the front sets, while heath and Mariah sat together on the same middle seat, Scott and Kristen the same, next to them. In the back were Zane, Jeff, Carly and Erin.

Jonah, Todd and Corrina hand to take an Uber, because there was no possible way we could fit 3 more people in the already crowded Tesla, especially not Jonah. As they were forced to wait at my house for the Tesla to arrive, we began driving.

David asked me to swap seats with him because he wanted to film a montage for the vlog. We pulled over and hastily swapped seats.

David's pov

As me and Natalie were switching seats, she had to climb over me, causing her ass to be in my face. I swallowed hard as I felt something happening in my pants. I sat down and crossed my legs. As Natalie settled down into her seat, she began driving. I turned up the volume of the radio and handed a tiny bottle of vodka to Zane, who took a sip and passed it around to all the guys. Soon everyone was ever so slightly drunk. This was perfect because now they were ever so slightly crazier, meaning the perfect vlog footage.

By the time we arrived at the party, I had already filmed half of my desired montage. Everyone spilled out of the Tesla and ventured into the house. Natalie never done well in big crowds. I knew I had to keep a close he on her to make sure she didn't get lost. I put my arm around her and pulled her close to me as we kept trying to find vlog footage.

Natalie's pov

Catcalling wasn't that common for me back in Vernon hills. It would still happen, but not that often. Now that I was at a party I felt like I was a target. All the guys were drooling looking at me and my body. They would all whistle at me as walked through the dense room, me and David hand-in-hand. Some guys friend to make a move on me but luckily David was there to stop him.

We were in their kitchen drinking with eachother, when David got a text from Zane. "Sorry Nat apparently someone just punched Zane I really gotta go get him. Do u want to come or wait here? It'll only be 2 minutes," He said. I shook my head. "I'll just wait here," I replied. "Be quick Davey."

David's pov

I had to run and get Zane so I had to leave Natalie for a second. I didn't want to leave her there and thinking about it, I probably shouldn't have. There was a drunk guy sitting on a couch across the room, his eyes locked on her body. Before I left, I gave Natalie a quick kiss on the head, making sure he saw.

Natalie's pov

I was taken aback by David's sudden burst of affection towards me. I turned my head to see a guy with ginger hair and a leather jacket slouched back on a couch. David was just making sure that that guy wouldn't try move in on me. Marking his territory, I guess.

It didn't work though, because the second David disappeared through the door, he jumped up off the couch and sat on the barstool next to me. "Hey," He said. He had a strong Irish accent. He had a pair of brown eyes and bushy eyebrows. He also had a pathetic attempt of a beard on his upper lip. He stunk of alcohol and cigarettes. The smell lingered through the room as I inhaled, twitching my nose, because it tickled. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was drunk. "What's a pretty lass like yourself doin' here all alone?" He slurred, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. "I'm not alone," I nervously replied.

"Yeah, figured," He said lighting his cigarette, letting it fall to the corner of his mouth. "Who was that fellow you were with before. Was he your boyfriend?" I shook my head in response. "No, he's my best friend." I said smiling sheepishly. He laid his hand on my thigh, biting his lip ever so slightly. "Can you, stop please..?" I asked, getting uncomfortable. "I think I'm grand, thanks though baby." He replied moving closer to me. "What'd you say we get outta here," he asked, firmly gripping onto my wrists. "I- I'm- I don't want to," He rolled his eyes. "That's some bullshit right there. Now follow me, let me show you a good time..."

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