11. Happiness

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"Oh..." He replied. "I already have someone up for the job... I didn't think you'd want it. But that is one heck of an entrance, I'll hand you that." I felt a lump in my throat. "Oh ok.." I mustered out, directing my eyes to the wooden floor below. "I'm kidding Nat!" He said, getting up to hug me. My mouth dropped open as I scoffed. "Ugh fuck you never mind," I joked, pretending to leave.

He laughed at me and hugged me, twirling me around. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. His eyes glistened with excitement, and him wide smile did not leave his face. "Thank you so so much. I promise you'll love it here." He continued. "You can have the room you have now. After all, you decorated it!" We laughed and my face fell once I remembered one detail.

"We have to tell my dad..." I said. He sighed and said we'll fly to Chicago to do it on Wednesday. I was surprised, to say the least. "That seems so soon. Can't I settle in first?" I sighed. He shook his head in response. "I'd love you to Nat, but he might not allow it." I nodded. "I don't wanna put you through the struggle of settling in then moving right back out in a matter of days."

I nodded and soon and to leave the room when David got a phone call. I didn't really have much to do, so I called my friend Reggie, to tell him about my decision.

"Oh my god girl yes!" He said once I told him. "I am so happy for you! And besides, you get to move in with that cutie David!" We both laughed, soon diverting our conversation to something completely irrelevant to what we were just talking about.

David's pov

I had told Natalie I loved her the night before. I don't think she heard it. If I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'm not sure I would have wanted her to. Besides, even if she did hear, she would have probably thought I meant it in a friendly way; maybe she even thought I was joking.

I woke up with no Natalie laying in my arms. I was disappointed, to say the least. I stretched ands remembering that I had to upload today, I grabbed my laptop and began to edit. I see Natalie walk into the room and without saying anything else, she comes up to me and says, "Yes."


I was super happy. I'm so glad she agreed. If she were to leave for Chicago to go back home and not to move out, I probably would have gone insane. My heart swelled as I spun her around. I felt tears selling up in my eyes. "Away Davey what's wrong?" She said, wiping my cheek as a tear escaped my eye. "Nothing, nothing," I said. "I'm just really happy." I could see her eyes watering as she wrapped her arms around my neck, tucking her head into the crook. I placed my hands around her waist.

At this point we were both crying in eachothers arms. It was moments like this that I absolutely adored. Neither of us even had a rational reason to be crying right now. It was just us two standing in the middle of my room, both engulfed in a oversized hoodie, sobbing while in eachothers grasp.

Everyone was coming over today. We were going to film some bits, then head to a club later on. "Hey assistant!" I shouted, happy to be able to call Natalie that. "What is it boss?" She replied, walking into my room. "You are going to introduced as my assistant today. You're also going to make your first appearance on any of our vlogs today. And also, we're all going out clubbing later on in the evening, you can come if you want." She smiled and nodded at me, retreating from my room.

Natalie's pov

After hearing that everyone was coming over, I panicked. I quickly learned that David's friends show up to his house whenever they really feel like it, so if someone was to walk in and see me looking like this, in would panic. I put together a decent outfit, and threw it on just as I heard David shout that Carly and Erin were almost here.

I was wearing black leggings, a cream, lacy belly top, a leather jacket, and white and red trainers. I decided to keep my hair simple, so I just left it down. I finished this all of with a small bit of makeup. I didn't want it to seem like I was trying out put in an effort, but at the same time,I wanted to look good.

I walk out of my new bedroom to see a half asleep David on the couch. "Dave everyone is going to be here soon," I reminded him. "I'm not saying you have to change, but at least brush your hair." He groaned getting up. I smirked, surprised I actually got him to do something.

I was on my phone when all of the sudden there was a violent knocking on the door. I look through the glass expecting to see some crazy fan or burgler, but it was just an already half-drunk Zane accompanied by the rest of the group. I let them all in and soon the room was flooded with people clutching onto cameras. Todd and Corrina were still on the couch, violently making out to the point it made me feel like I was watching a porno. Zane and Heath had now raiding the wine cart, and were doing body shots off of Jonah's shirtless stomach. Carly and Erin were sitting at the kitchen counter, and seeing as they were the only ordinary people there, I went to talk to them.

"Oh hey Natalie!" Said Carly as she noticed me hesitantly approaching. It must have been obvious I was a bit surprised of everyone's behaviour, because Erin said, "Oh this is the norm girl. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it, I promise." I smiled at them both. They were both so kind and genuine. We kept talking and I got to know quite a bit about them. They were surprisingly really easy to talk to.

Of course all good things had to come to an end, because David walked out, camera in his hand, shouting, "Alright you've got some big courage doing body shots without me recording it!" While running over to Zane, Heath and Jonah, who were all laughing along. The day just went off from there, and soon half the people here were drunk. Even Erin got wasted, and from Carly's facial expressions... I doubt that happens often.

♡Tricky♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin