21. Plan

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I spent the rest of the day with my family, planning the perfect apologetic gesture. I can't believe I'm saying this, but my sisters really helped. We had most of it planned out on paper, we just needed one thing.

"Reggie? Sorry to call so out of the blue, but I urgently need your help..." Half an hour after I made that call, we got a knock on the door. "REGGIE'S BACK! Hi sweeties!" He said hugging my mom and siblings. "Okay Reggie focus. We need your help with something."

"Pillow fort? Really? That's way too cliché. You need something like a picnic on a cliffside with all your fave snacks and movies!" He said. "We already did that together." We need something original. Me Reggie, and the girls were sitting in a circle on the living room floor, bouncing ideas back and forth.

"We could make a waterside in the backyard! And you could ride it off the roof! And, and..!" Sara said excitedly. "Right there kiddo don't get ahead of yourself. We all know that's something for you," Reggie said making everyone, but me, laugh.

I collapsed backwards, throwing my hands up to cover my face. "It's no use! I'll never win her over!" I whined. "Haha you sound like a wittwe puppye! Is little Davey sad?" Teased Ester, my oldest sibling.

"ESTER YOU'RE A GENIUS!" I shouted, jumping up. "I, my friends, am gonna get her... a puppy!" I watched as everyone's faces turned from confused to excited in a matter of seconds. "Now THAT," said Reggie. "Is smooth."


We were all now crammed into a car going to collect the puppy from a nearby breeder.

Ester "OW! Sara you just stepped on my foot!"

Sara "Not my fault! Your foot is on my side!"

Mom "No fighting girls! Do you want us to leave you at home?"

Me "Come on why did you all have to come? We'd bring him back home right after?"

Toby "Shut up David we want to see all the other puppies!"

Mom "TOBY! Be nice to your brother!"

Needles to say it was an annoying car ride. So when we got there I was happy to finally be out of that car.

When the man opened the door, five or six little puppies ran out to greet us. Three of them tackled my mom onto the ground. "Aww! Look at you guys!" She said, playing with them.  "If you like them so much mom... why don't we get one!?" Sara hesitantly asked. "Oh I don't know girls. Let's go inside for now."

We followed the current owner, Mr Kennedy, inside his house. "These are the mother and father, both were healthy dogs. When we found out she was having babies we were expecting one, maybe two, but six came out!" He told us. "We were excited, but we knew we wouldn't be able to take care of eight dogs, so we made it our job to make sure they got a good home."

"This here is Rex, Roxy, Sam, Harry and Sophie, and this one, doesn't have a name yet." I walked over to the nameless one, lifting her up. "You are perfect. Such a cutie," I whispered. "I think I'll take her. She is so calm." The man nodded and explained feeding, training and all that boring stuff.

"What are you thinking of naming her?" He asked. I looked at her playing with my siblings and immediately thought of a name. "Dinora."

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