18. Someone else

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Thank you so much for all your help and nice commens❤


6 months later // David's pov

Mine and Natalie's relationship has definitely progressed over the last half a year. The constant flirting is slowly making me realise I'm in love with the girl.

Love is a scary thing. I would want nothing more than to be able to hug her and kiss her and call her mine, but what if it goes wrong in the end? I would lose the person most important to me. I want to tell her but I don't want to risk our friendship for my selfish wants.

Over the 6 months, I have decided with myself that the best thing to do is to keep my true feeling a secret.

Me and Natalie had just got home from a Chipotle run, and were now laying side by side on my bed, editing the upcoming vlog. I like having Natalie there when I edit. She is great with feedback, and supportive.

A clip of Jeff was playing, and I started to notice a slight blush creep onto her cheeks as she made a shy smirk with her lips. The screen changed from Jeff to drunk Zane, making me forget about her blush, focusing on laughing at Zane with her.

I had to finish off editing on my own, because Natalie got a call and never came back. I never seen who was calling, all I noticed was the same blush and smirk from before. It was starting to bother me.

All that flirting and stuff, just jokes? I thought she was sending hints my way, but I was wrong. She was in her room, talking to someone when I came out of mine to get a bottle of water. Her voice was muffled, making it tricky for me to hear. After I got my bottle, I made the stupid decision to eavesdrop.

I knelt down in front of her door, and pressed my eat up to the wood. "Today. At 6, you wanna take me somewhere?" I heard her ask. I couldn't hear the persons reply, so all I heard was a giggle and agreement from Natalie.

I got up to leave, stubbing my toe in the process. I cursed at her door, pretty loudly, it seemed. "David? Is that you?" She asked me, opening her door. "Eh, yeah, I'm, do you, wanna watch, something, a movie, with me?" I asked, having to make it up on the spot. "Sure Dave haha," she said giggling. "Now come one dork, what did you do to your foot?" She asked me, grabbing my hands from behind and walking with me to the living room.

I made her watch Avengers: endgame with me, for like the third time that week. I noticed she wasn't as engaged in it as me. As far as I was concerned, she loved that movie. "Are you OK?" I asked her. "You seem so... distracted for some reason." She avoided my eye contact, her answer clearly improv. "I'm just tired, and stressed. We have like 2 importabt meetings coming up." It's hurt my heart that she was lying to me. I just nodded and went back to the movie, not really paying attention to the screen, but to my thoughts instead.

Does she not want to spend time with me? Or... has she met someone else? Whatever it is, it's breaking my heart. I wasn't as engaged in it anymore too. I sat with my head hanging, lost in my thoughts.  Was I losing Natalie? I didn't want that. 100% not.

I felt asleep somewhere around the first introduction of Thanos in the movie, because when I woke up, I was met with an empty house with the end credits of the movie rolling. I checked the time sleepily, but immediately was wide awake when I saw the time. 6pm. Natalie was gone. With someone else. I couldn't let this happen.

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