20. Homero

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After I told him what happened, my three siblings Sara, ester, and Toby all emerged from their hiding spot behind the door. "We were gonna say hi but you two losers looked like you were having a moment," Sara smiled, before running to hug me, the others following suit.

I had to repeat that story three times today, and each time was worse than the last. I wasn't able to retell it without shedding a tear. My love for Natalie was unexplainable. I adored and admired every part of her, and always wanted nothing more than to be with her. But, as we've already cleared up, she's with Jeff.


I was laying in the bed in my old bedroom, when my phone started buzzing.

Nat😢❤: David, where are you? I just got back and all I get welcomed by is a letter?

Nat😢❤: Please just let me know you're okay. "I just need to clear my head" isn't good enough for me.

Nat😢❤: I love you David. Just please reply soon, wherever you are.

Me: you don't tho

Me: you love Jeff, not me

Nat😢❤: David wtf

Nat😢❤: I love you more than anything what are you on about?!

Me: come on Nat it's obvious

Me: I see the way you look at him

Me: you're in love

Nat😢❤: I'm not into Jeff that way

Me: oh yeah

Me: bullshit

Me: where were you tonight

Nat😢❤: I can't believe you. Just come home safe.

Me: run off to Jeff while you're waiting for me

Read 9:53pm

I regretted that conversation. I regretted it, but I still hated that she was with him. I threw my phone onto the bedside table and angrily pulled the duvet up to my neck, before drifting into sleep.

I went about my morning as normal, only with a huge hole in my heart. I didn't feel like eating that morning, but still ate after all.

I had nothing to do seeing as my siblings and parents were at school and work, so I decided to take a walk around the neighbourhood. I took out my phone, but seeing as I had not social media, I resorted to Pokémon Go.

I was walking around catching pokémon, when I walked into someone. They stumbled back and tripped onto a patch of grass."I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" I said, rushing to help them up. "...Homero? Is that you?" I said when I saw his face. It was Natalie's dad.

"David! What a lovely surprise!" He said, hugging me. "Is... is Natalie here?" He asked, looking around. "No," I said, hanging my head. "We had a fight. I.. I think. It was my fault. I'm sorry."

After I retold the story for the fourth time, he laughed and told me not to worry about it too much. He said she's just stubborn. "But David, if she is in love with this Jeff boy, you can't come in the way of that," he lectured me. "Me and her mother always hoped it would be you two together, but oh well."

"Yeah. Me too," I said. We continued walking till we circled back to our neighbouring homes. Before we bid out goodbyes, he asked me, "David. What is your plan now?" I paused to think. "I'll spend today with my family, then tomorrow I'll go back and try make it up to her."

He smiled. "Daffodils," he said. "That's her favourite flower." I smiled and nodded. "Win her over son," he said before winking at me and walking to his house.

You know what Homero? I think I will.

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