Found them but . . .

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A frown made it's way on the boy's face.

Inside the box there was a white envelope folded in half and then half again. Even though the letter was folded up, you could see that the person who put it there squashed it in as it did not fit in the rectangular box. Reason why when Haechan opened it, half of the letter sprang out. Whatever was underneath the letter wasn't that visible. So Haechan held the box in one hand and picked the letter with his other. Underneath it there were two shiny silver locket necklaces that when put together would make a heart with 'mum & son' engraved on it. Haechan knew that the one with 'mum' written on it had Haechan's picture in it and the one with 'son' written on it had his mother's picture on it. They were both nicely placed in their ment position.

A small smile cracked on his face when he remembered how he was so impatient and how him and his mother argued about where to put the pictures of eachother and who would take which one. Both of them didn't know how to wear them as it was their first time having necklaces which completed each other and with words engraved on them. Slowly, past memories started taking over his mind.

Both mother and son sat excitedly on the bed in the boy's room on a white Christmas Eve day's night.

The little boy kept eagerly jumping on the bed and glancing at the clock with Roman numbers on it. Those letters appeared strange to the little boy, as he could not understand how letters can be read as numbers,so he kept asking his mother every minute what the time was.

"Mum what time is it now? And when are you going to get me a normal clock?" The small boy asked for the nth time.

"This is why I told you to learn Roman numbers and when you finally learn them,I will give you a 'normal' wall clock as you say"

"Can we open the box now?" Impatiently, he asked.

"Haechannie, no! You don't want Santa to be angry with you, do you?" She gently slapped away the tiny hand which was reaching for the ribbon on the well packaged box.

"Mummy, Santa doesn't exist. I know you bought it with your hard earned money. I might be six but don't, what was the word?" He placed his finger on his jaw and looked up as a way of thinking "condier, consier . . ."

"You mean consider, right?" His mother helped him.

"Yes! Consider! I might be six but don't consider me stupid." He whisper shouted.

"Ooo. Look at our Haechannie. He grew up so fast and now he also uses big words." She cooed.

"But," she continued "he still cannot read Roman numbers."

When Haechan processed what his mum said, he was ready to whine. But the ding dong sound of the living room's clock stopped him from doing that.

"It's twelve o'clock now isn't it?" His eyes sparkeled while looking at the box wrapped up in Christmas themed wrapping paper.

"Yup!" The mother chirped.

Both mother and son ripped off the package and the ribbon which was stopping them from opening the box.

A beautiful velvety rectangular box coloured in red appeared in their sight.

The mother took it in her hands and waited for the little boy to get beside her. When he did, she opened the box and revealed the necklaces.

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