The Lore and Logic

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Welcome to the Soul Trade AU! This one is fairly lore-intensive, so buckle up for the long run!

First, let's talk about the multiverse as a whole. This AU is more than a singular universe, rather it is a handful of dimensions strung together. This is known to scholars as a multiversal construct. But we aren't scholars, so it's an AU.

The first of these dimensions is the Hermitlands. This dimension is in a near-constant state of change, thanks to the cycles of 'seasons' and 'updates'.

A season is when the layout of the world changes, builds and inventories vanishing to some unknown location. It is initiated by an admin activating certain protocol whilst walking through a particular portal.

An update is when the very nature of existence changes. Updates are usually fairly rough for the first couple weeks, but settle down after that.

The second dimension is the Evo Zone, similar to the Hermitlands except there are no season changes and the updates come much more often, controlled by mysterious entities known as 'watchers'.

The third dimension is the Wattpad World. This dimension takes, or took, the shape of a giant library. However, after some meddling in forbidden magic, it got ransacked. The fate of the inhabitants is, as of yet, unknown.

The fourth dimension is the abyss. This is similar to the nether of the Hermitlands and Evo Zone, except much hotter. The only beings capable of living in such a climate are the four demons.

The fifth dimension is the Plane of Vex. This is basically what people in medieval times would have called fairyland. It is ruled by mischievous Fae creatures, capable of shapeshifting.

The sixth and final dimension is the Yandereverse. This is the world most similar to our own, except it's mostly Japan. This world has barely been touched by outsiders, except when two entities fled this world to the Evo Zone.

Next, let us discuss the various traits and abilities in this AU. You see, not everyone is purely human, and there are a few kinds of magic.

Mutants, for example, are people who aren't quite human. They usually have animal-like traits, from the ears of a dog to the scales of a snake. There is a lot of discrimination towards mutants, but they receive fair treatment in the Hermitlands.

Empaths are people capable of detecting and reflecting the emotions of others. Both mutants and non-mutants can be empaths. There are two kinds of empaths, positive and negative. They can only detect and reflect the emotions that fall under those labels, and have difficulty feeling the other kind of emotion.

Soulless are people who have had their soul removed, usually by demonic magic. The soul remains fully conscious and able to wander about, but only demons and other disconnected souls can see them.

The disconnected bodies of soulless become puppets, all of their abilities becoming available to whoever separated their soul. Soulless can be healed if their bodies are alive, but it's incredibly difficult.

Demons are the rulers of the abyss. There are only four known demons, and it has been this way for centuries. Demons are, for the most part, immortal, as they can only be killed by a single weapon, which varies between demons.

Vex are the inhabitants of the Plane of Vex. They are capable of shapeshifting, as long as they emulate something else. The two Vex that have made it to the Hermitlands, for instance, are emulating a certain pair of empaths.

Now, about magic. Magic is a strange, wild thing, and it comes is many different forms. Stone of these forms of magic are tame and common, while others are forbidden and dangerous.

Author magic is one of these forbidden magics, although nobody is quite sure why. Author magic allows the user to create universes entirely under their control, as well as granting a few other special abilities.

Demon magic is only usable by demons and those who have sold their souls for it. It is capable of the removal of souls, creation of portals, and possession of mortals. Naturally, it is forbidden.

A safe, albeit rare kind of magic is Admin magic. Users are known as admins, and only one or two can coexist in the same part of the world. Admin magic takes years of study, but is well worth it.

Vex magic, while not forbidden, is incredibly dangerous. Making use of it is highly likely to alert the Vex to you, and you may find yourself replaced by one of their agents.

Finally, there's common magic. Common magic is available to everyone, regardless of their other magical traits or abilities. It's what enchants books and items, fuels potions, runs nether portals. It's the lifeblood of the Minecraft world.

And this has been the lore. I hope it made sense, feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

OdalRune, signing off from the past!

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