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"Forever," you promised.

"Always," I believed.

"I will love you forever," you thought.

"I will be yours for always," I stated.

You held me close and I asked, "Stay with me? Don't ever leave me, please."

"Why would I want to leave you?" you reassured me. "You make me happy. I enjoy being with you more than anyone else."

"And you make my heart happy." I nestled closer to your warmth, feeling your comforting heartbeat.

How did we go from that to tears staining your jacket?

You threw away your promises like they were nothing.

Maybe they were.

Maybe I am.

Is that why you said I don't make you happy anymore?

Is that why you can't say "I love you" to me anymore?

But I was guilty too.

I closed the door on you multiple times and heard you pounding on it, asking to come in.

But I left you out there alone.

Now I guess it's your turn to return the favour.

I should've seen the signs.

It's not like this is the first time we've gone through this.

But you seemed so sincere when you asked for another chance, when you let me catch a glimpse of your heart.

You shut me out too.

Your hands are cold in mine and I can't feel your heartbeat.

"We can fix this," you plead with desperation seeping out.

"Oh, love, how I wish we could. I wish we could go back to the beginning when everything was right, but some things are too broken to fix."

You tighten your grip on me. "You asked me to stay and now I'm asking you to stay, so stay, please."

"I can't," I whisper.

I turn and walk away, out of your life, feeling your heart break like mine already has.

~ Crumb

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