Words to Sights (Part 2)

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"Where are you? Why can't I find you?" a girl was muttering.

"What? Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, so you can hear me. Have a seat." She gestured to a chair that just materialised next to me.

"This is weird," I said as I took a seat.

She settled in a chair opposite me. "I'm Arabella. I've been looking for you."

"I'm Jade." I didn't get the feeling she wanted to hurt me, but then again, this is still the weirdest dream I've had.

"Jade," she repeated. She said it gently, almost as if we knew each other. "I'm a little new to my talent so please pardon any complications."

I glanced around at the whiteness surrounding us. "Right. What exactly is your talent?"

"Hm? Oh, I control dreams in a manner of speaking," Arabella replied as she studied me. "Sometimes things go wrong."

I gripped the arms of my chair. "Like what?"

She sighed. "Sometimes I end up in the wrong dream or sometimes they don't remember I talked to them. The subconscious is a complex thing."

"Mhm. Well, what's so special about me that made you start looking for me?"

A smile tugged at her lips. "Don't tell me you don't recognise me?"

I let my eyes roam over her. "You look like the girl I had a... vision about."

Arabella nodded. "I had a dream about you and the moment you had the vision. It's like fate wanted us to meet, except of course, I have no clue where you live and I only just got my talent a few weeks ago. This is the most control I've had since."

"I'm not telling a random girl where I live, even if this is a dream. I don't know anything about you."

She smiled amused. "Ask me anything then, Jade. I'd like to know you better."

"So, what do you for fun?" I asked.

Arabella looked thoughtful. "I enjoy reading and researching more about dreams and such."

"Research?" I wrinkled my nose.

"Yes. I find it helps my talent to develop further  and quicker than it would if I made no effort. What exactly is your talent, Jade? Is it seeing the future?"

"No, it's like... I think of a word and then I see a vision about it. It's easier if I show you. Give me a word."

"Alright. How about... 'Arabella?'" she teased.

"I see a young girl leaving home. Her parents are yelling at her as she walks away. Now she's older and walking down a dark street. A guy is offering her a stack of cash for... something. You weren't lying about the studying. Except I guess I expected it to be somewhere other than the streets." I shook my head as the visions faded away. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Arabella smiled sadly at me. "No, it's alright. I don't mind much. Just sometimes it might be nice to have somewhere more permanent to stay."

"38493 Magical Way."


"My address. My parents are away on vacation but you're welcome to stay. So please, Arabella, come."

She smiled warmly at me. "I'll see you soon."

I jolted awake in my bed. Wow, that was some dream. I heard strange noises from downstairs. I looked at the clock. 7:42 AM. Who would be up at this time?

I hurriedly dressed and crept downstairs. I was greeted by the fascinating sight of Dustin waving his hands at two dustpans flying across our kitchen, sweeping up dirt.

"Geez, I thought you were an intruder," I said as I poured myself a bowl of cereal.

"Sorry," Dustin sheepishly apologised. "I wanted to finish cleaning before you woke up."

"Aw, you're so sweet. And hey, have you heard about people who can walk in other's dreams?" I asked.

"No, why? Oh my gosh! Is it her? I've been waiting for this moment for days now." Dustin flicked his hand and the dustpans emptied themselves in the garbage before he raced over to sit next to me. "Tell me everything."

I laughed at his enthusiasm. "Okay, so..."

~ Crumb

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