Words to Sights (Part 1)

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"Hey, what do you think of when you hear the word 'Christmas'?" my friend asks me.

"Mmm. I see... a roaring fireplace with marshmallows roasting over it. There's a wrapped gift on the table with friends and family gathered around it. Mugs of hot cocoa topped with mini marshmallows warm their hands from the cold outside. Snowflakes gently fall against the window. There's a tree in the corner, adorned with ornaments and lights. Christmas music fills the air which is annoying but equal parts endearing although no one will ever admit it," I reply.

"Wow. That was descriptive."

I laugh. "And you? What do you think?"

"Eh. Gifts? Jesus? I don't know, man. What about 'love'?"

I pause in my gift wrapping. "I see a girl standing outside a door. She's shivering from the rain. She's looking around in the dark as though she's being chased. The door opened and she went in." I shake my head. "That was weird."

"Maybe that's your future girl!" my friend squeed excitedly as he bounced up and down. "I'm already shipping. This talent of yours is freaky though, not gonna lie."

"Geez, Dustin. Shut up and start helping me wrap these gifts." I shove a toy car in his arms and slap the roll of wrapping paper on top.

I glance out the window. "It's just an image. Nothing is actually going to happen."

"Sure, Jade. But when it does you gotta let me know, okay? I'm the captain here."

"I don't know what you're blabbing on about, but okay."

I resume covering gifts with decorated paper, but couldn't stop from glancing at the door.

Imagine actually meeting a girl you saw from a vision. Crazy right? Impossible.

~ Crumb

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