Let Go

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Stare at your phone and sigh in defeat.

It's almost time.

Scroll through the texts one last time.

Delete the digital photos.

Take the paper copies and fold them carefully.

Delete the texts.

Wipe the tears away.

It's okay.

Scroll down to the bottom of her contact.

Delete contact?

Stare out over the water as the sun sinks beneath the waves.

Copy the number carefully onto a piece of paper.

Delete contact.

Keep folding the photos.

Craft it carefully.

Step back and stare at the paper boat of memories.

Place the paper with the number on the boat.

Reach into your pocket.

Read the note again.

Say it out loud for good measure.

Maybe this way it will be easier to get closure.

Maybe you can forget her quicker.

Clear your throat and speak the words you never got to say to her.

"This is it. I'm finally letting you go. Although, how can you let go of something that was already gone? We had good times and I will always cherish them. I know you meant everything in the moment and I did too. There was a time when I was your everything and you were mine. But... that time is gone. I have to let you go.

"I tried. We tried to make it work. Maybe not all things are meant to work. It was love. It was messy and flawed and imperfect but it was love. Maybe we did it wrong. Maybe we were too young.

"I pushed and you pulled. You left and I begged you to stay. I walked away and you tugged me close. Back and forth we went, tearing each other apart. Distance severing our hearts from each other but we still called it love.

"You promised me you would love me forever and I to you. Maybe we will but the other won't know. I do still love you. I think a piece of me always will, and that's okay. Maybe a part of you loves me still.

"I don't know. I do know that I have to go now. I've spent so long twisting and turning myself to fit into the puzzle piece of your heart that I lost myself in you. "

Gently push the memories onto the water and let the wind carry it away.

"Goodbye, my love."

~ Crumb

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