World of Food

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Asparagus hopped across the counter to visit Butter. "Hello!" Asparagus cheerfully greeted Butter.

Butter was chilling in a dish. "Hi, Asparagus!"

Sushi rolled across the counter, accidentally crashing into Asparagus. They both tumbled into Onion, who promptly burst into tears.

"Oh my. I am so sorry," Sushi apologised. "I sometimes get a little too carried away with my rolling."

Onion sniffled. "No, it's fine. I'm just gonna go." Onion sniffled her way over to Salt.

Butter shifted slightly in her dish. "That was exciting to watch!"

Asparagus righted herself. "Unlike your boring life!"

Butter frowned. "I can't help that I must stay on this lovely cooling piece of glass." Butter rolled onto her back with a sigh of contentment.

"Oh no!"

They turned to look as Onion in her blubbering mess knocked Oil over. "I am so sorry about this!" Oil frantically tried to put herself together. She managed to collect herself into one puddle on the counter.

Carrot and Pepper helped Oil back into her home just as the kitchen door slammed open. A human walked in and put Butter on Toast.

"Another one is lost!" Lettuce cried.

The human took out a salad bowl. "Nooo!" Lettuce wailed.

Butter and Toast were placed in the toaster.

"We have to save them!" Asparagus cried.

"Roll out!" Sushi shouted.

The startled human backed away from the toaster as Sushi rolled into his foot. "What the-"

He bent down to pick Sushi up when Asparagus stabbed him in the eye. He jerked back in pain and grabbed a knife. "Stay back or I'll chop you up!"

Onion's sobs reached a crescendo. "Why me!? Why am I a food? I'm not fit for this."

The food flung themselves at the human. He screamed and ran out.

"Hurry! Rescue the hostages!" Asparagus urged as she hopped to the toaster.

Toast and Butter awkwardly tried to separate from each other.

"I'm so embarrassed," Butter muttered as she tried to get off Toast.

"Ah. It's quite alright," Toast reassured. "Now we must run!"

The vegetables were hurling themselves at the window, trying to break it.

"Out of the way!" Oil shouted as she crashed through the glass.

"Hurray!" the food cheered as they started escaping.

"Where are we going?" Sushi asked Asparagus.

More humans rushed out of their houses in confusion as to why there were vegetables, fruits, and random edibles running down the street.

"To the woods!" Asparagus shouted.

It was a day the humans and foods would never forget. The first day of the Food Revolution.

~ Crumb

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