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It's so cold.

I huddled against the cliff wall as a sharp breeze nearly sent me flying. I cautiously inched to the end of the ledge I was perched on and peered at the rising water below.

Time's running out.

I shakily reached out a hand to the ladder next to me. I nervously added my other hand, waiting for the ladder and me to topple over into the water.

Luckily that didn't happen. Unluckily, the smooth rungs morphed into jagged pieces of metal.

I clutched my bleeding hands close to my chest as the twisted metal changed back, taunting me.

I stared helplessly at the blue sky far above me. It wasn't always like this. I remember, even if you choose not to.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't cry," Diamond said as she gently brushed the tears from my face.

"I can't do it." The ladder rung rusted and snapped off from my hand. I winced as I heard it fall into the water's embrace.

"I'll be here to help you leave this place. So please, don't cry. I won't ever leave you." Diamond's touch led to the rickety ladder turning into a marble staircase.

She reached out her hand. "Come on."

"Okay." I took her hand, feeling the familiar warmth. I studied her hand in mine.

Perfect. Safe. Forever.

The roaring crash of the water hurrying to meet me pulled me out of the past. I slammed my bloody hand against the wall.

Damn it! You know I can't do this without you. You said you would be here. You promised me.

I grasped the ladder with both hands and jerked them back in pain. The metal turned blazing hot.

The water was starting to lap at my feet now, begging me to give in.

One more try.

My fingers barely grazed the ladder when it came crashing down, as if it too couldn't function without her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I'd rather not have to deal with this. I want to focus on other things and. . . I simply don't have time for you anymore."

"But you promised! I'll be stuck there. You're the only one that can bring me out of my prison."

"I know, and I'm sorry." Diamond smiled at me sadly before pushing me off the cliff.

I landed hard on the ledge. "Don't leave me," I begged.

"Goodbye," she whispered.


I laid down, letting the water pull me into its cold grasp. A burning pain started in my lungs.

You let me drown because you didn't care anymore.

The freezing water hugged me tighter.

You used to keep me warm.

My vision started to fade.

You made me feel like something.

I closed my eyes.

And now. . . nothing.

~ Crumb

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