Chpt. 37

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Hermione Lestrange Zabini pov.

Harry is alive and well.

She lied to us! She lied to save him! Narcissa Malfoy is a traitor! Narcissa Malfoy is a blood traitor!

"Narcissa, why do this?!" I hear my mother demand from Narcissa, her sister.

Narcissa just runs over to the Order and joins them. She seems so ready to fight us, her family.

Does she realise what she has done to Lucius and Draco?

I look over at my uncle and cousin and they seem so confused and broken by Narcissa's actions.

She has broken pieces of their hearts.

"My father and I will handle my mother. The rest of you go and help the others. Luna, I want you to fight with Daphne and Astoria." Draco tells us all

"Of course, just don't forget that you come to me right after this is over." Luna tells Draco and he nods his head saying "I will, don't worry."

We all fight the rest of the battle while Lord Voldemort handles Harry.
Draco Malfoy pov.

How could she? She has been playing us this entire time. She is a liar when she is suppose to be my mother.

"Hello Lucius, Draco." My mother says as we approach her on the steps farther from the fighting.

"Narcissa, What is wrong with you? Why do this to me? Your family? Your son?!" My father raises his voice at my mother

"Simple. I never wanted to be with you Lucius but you gave me everything. You even gave me a son." My mother says

But I can see how she is holding something behind her back.

She has watched us this entire time without even giving us a second thought.

"Come with me Draco." My mother tells me holding out one of her hands

I have always felt so connected to my mother. Now I don't even know who she is and where my real mother has gone. My mother would never betray her husband and son. Who is this woman who has been living with us?

"Why should I? It is clear that my father is my real family. Your nothing to me."

She holds out her other hand and points her wand at me. I take my wand out and point it at her.

Father does something that I don't expect...

He stands in front of me and my wand.

"You can kill me Narcissa but you may not touch my son." My father sneers at the woman who I call mother

"Father, don't, I need you."

"You have Luna, Hermione, Blaise-" My father starts to say

"I need you. Don't worry about who I have or what I have because I will always need you."

"I need you as well my son. Which is why I challenge your mother to a duel." My father says and I can see my mother smile a wicked grin.

"I am ready Lucius." My mother says

They both take their stance and begin. My mother is cunning with a wand but my father has skill. My mother starts getting close to my father and she pulls a knife from out of her long coat.

"Goodbye my love, avada kedavra." My father says before ending the life of my mother. My mother throws the knife at my father as the spell hits her. She falls down lifeless and I run to my father who has a knife in his right shoulder.


I run over to him and pull the knife out. It is extremely small and that explains why none of us could see it through her thin material jacket.  I was able to pull it out. The minute I pull it out, I cast healing spells. His wound closes before he bleeds to much.

"Thank you, my son." My father thanks me with a smile

"Your welcome and I thank you as well."

"Of course I would protect you and your welcome." My father tells me and I sit him up.

A Death Eater apparates in front of us and tells us of how Lord Voldemort is dead along with Harry Potter. I look at my father and he smiles.

"The new generation begins a new era." My father says looking at me.

Suddenly I am glowing silver and I see flashes of the real plan. We are to carry out the future of the Death Eaters. That is why Lord Voldemort always protected us children because with his death, we can create a new world.

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