Precious Thing

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White Diamond x (Child) Reader


{Reader's P.O.V}

"Steven who are they?" I say hiding behind Steven from the very big and very tall women. "It's okay (Y/N) these are my.....friends?" he says unsure trying to stop me from hiding from the tall ladies. "Steven why is that thing behind you so much small than you?" the Lady in blue asked making me cling to Steven. "Oh this is my friend (Y/N)." He says "She is basically a small baby human." "I'm not a baby!" I yell from behind him "I am 6 I'm a big kid now." I then see the blue lady's head beside Steven. Which made me hold on to Steven even tighter than before. "She's so cute." She says. The yellow Lady groans in what seems to be annoyance. "Blue step away from the thing it's clearly scared." The Tallest lady says getting on her knees facing Steven and I. "Hello little thing there's no reason to be scared." The Lady in white says in a soothing voice making me poke my head out from behind Steven. Steven laughed nervously "You okay (Y/N)," I look to him and nod. I step out from behind him.

"Oh how precious you are." she says with a creepy grin.


This was written a few weeks back but I didn't really like it. But I decided to post it anyway. So I hope you liked it.

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