Chapter 11

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Hyejin P.O.V
I walked home from work. It was already night time and I was really tired. I slowly walked down the streets to my house when I suddenly heard a sound.

In a matter of less than a second I was wide awake. All my senses focused on my surroundings. Then a moment later a silhouette appeared in front of me.

Somebody dressed in black stopped in my way and turned his head towards me. From the build of the body I could tell it was a man. I stopped moving and looked at him.

He spent half a minute staring at me then he suddenly pulled out a knife and came towards me. I carefully looked around while still having my main focus on him.

There were a few old ladies around as well as one younger girl. I think she went to my school. Damn it, I couldn't defend myself because then they would know I can fight and that might lead to other gangs to find out I'm some sort of agent or gangster.

That would endanger all if my friends and the people around me. Well nice one how am I gonna get away. While I was thinking the guy came closer and closer.

I slowly started to back away hoping someone would recognize the situation and help me out. A few steps back and I hit my back. Well perfect, the all known wall phenomenon.

He raised the knife ready to kill me. Ok before I died here just like that I had to defend myself. I prepared myself mentally to react at the last second.

Right before the man was able to hit me an all to familiar voice shouted. Ey, back of you freak. What do you think your doing?! The guy looked up, turned around and ran off.

I sank down to the ground with my back still against the wall. Two seconds later a pair of shoes entered my field of vision. Right after that a beautiful face appeared as well.

My savior was crouching in front of me and looked at me with worry. My heart picked up the pace (Stays will have already heard a part of that line XD) and the butterflies in my stomach started to party.

Jungkook looked around to make sure that man was gone. He then turned his attention back to me. Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Do you know who he is? He began asking questions. I told him that I was ok and that I was healthy.

This was the first time I was this close to him in a long time. I also noticed a small scar on his left cheek. It must have been caused by the explosion.

He smiled and helped the up. Come on, I'll walk you home. Girls should not walk home alone at night, didn't your parent tell you that? He said. I smiled as well and thanked him.

No my parents didn't tell me to not walk home alone they rather gave me to the agency for training to make sure I was able to defend myself.

We began walking in silence. Listen I know we weren't exactly best friends in the past month. But you don't really seem that bad, besides you never really tried anything to get me away from Eunha. Jungkook started talking after a while.

How about we just try to be friends? I don't like ignoring people. He looked down at me. Yes I was a bit smaller than him. I couln't believe it. This was a real chance for me to win him back. Who knows maybe his memories would come back soon.

I nodded in excitement. He laughed and looked ahead again. I missed his laugh and smile so much. Slowly my heart started to heal a little bit. Once we arrived at the house he said goodbye, waited till I entered the turned around and walked away.

Inside I began to jump out of happiness. But I calmed down pretty fast. I still had to study. The final exams were approaching. After that we all had to look for a job. That means if I wasn't able to get back to Jungkook in time it would be very very hard to even see him, without him recognizing I was watching him. Because in case I had to I was able to track down whoever I needed.

So I had to give it my best shot. I really want to be my past me again. The one other agents look up to. The one who was always strong. The one who was basically perfect. But I lost that image.  But most importantly, the one who still owned Jungkooks heart. Because he definitely owns all of mine.

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