Chapter 9

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Hyejin P.O.V
We all split up and went to our classrooms. Half a minute later the bell rang and the teacher came. I barely was able to focus. The time flew by and before I knew it the lesson already ended.

Now we had a 10 minute break. I told Yongsun that I would go outside real quick to get some fresh air. I stood up and left the classroom. One minute later I realized someone was following me.

As an agent you develop something like a sixth sense. You immediately know when someone follows you or when someone is in the room. You're basically always on guard. When I walked around the next corner I stopped and pressed myself against the wall.

A few seconds later someone turned around the corner. In the blink of an eye, I grabbed an arm of that person and pushed her against the wall. It was none other than Eunha.

She struggled getting out of my grip. With her free hand she slapped me across the face. I let go of her and just looked at her with cold eyes. She started shouting.

Listen you punk, you had your chance. Jungkook is mine, and mine alone. You are going to stay away from him, get it!! He doesn't remember anything and he is happy with me. If you want to destroy that then you really are the worst person ever. If you actually love him you would leave him with me because unlike you I can make him happy!

I didn't even blink. I really just wanted to throw her out of the window. But I controlled myself. She left and I just started to tear up. Gosh I really turned into a cry baby ever since that accident. I held it back because agents aren't supposed to cry. And I should not forget my identity.

I am agent 003, top agent of Bulletproof!

Unforgettable (Jungkook FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang