Chapter 12

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Hyejin P.O.V
The alarm clock went off and as always it was way to early. That was what other people would say. Well not me, at least not anymore. Since I was separated from Jungkook, I slept till 4 to 5 o'clock in the morning. So yeah I never really had enough sleep.

I had been awake this whole time and spent my time studying. Now I got up and went to go get dressed. I took my things and an apple, before leaving the house. I started chewing on it as I walked to the bus stop.

Once it stopped in front of me, I got in and took my seat next to the door. As soon as it came to a halt in front of the school, I got off and walked to the gate.

After I entered, I saw all those students walking around with their friends and there were also some couples. Just as I was thinking that, somebody tipped on my shoulder. I turned around to look at a boy a bit taller than me.

Good morning, glad you made it here. Jungkook smiled at me. Gosh his smile really is like my magic healing potion. I smiled at him as well and said Yeah I'm glad as well, I mean who would have saved me this time?

He laughed and we started a little conversation. It was just small talk but at least it was something. Right before the school bell rang , I saw Eunha running towards us. She gave me a death glare before Jungkook turned around and she had to hide her hatred for me.

She put on a fake smile. Jungkookie, I was searching everywhere for you. Why are you talking to her? I missed you. She started talking really fast. A few seconds later she had already pulled him away.

I sighed and was about to walk into the school when I heard something like a muffled scream behind me. I turned around as fast ad I could to see a fangirling Yongsun behind me.

She jumped at me and hugged me. I laughed and told her everything that happened. She smiled and pulled me into the school. The rest of the school day was literally just my friends making me laugh and Eunha trying her best to keep Jungkook and me away from each other.

Once school finished, I went to work thinking about everything that happened in the last 24 hours. I smiled, then went into the agency to receive my new mission. Chan was already waiting for me and a few minutes later we got going.

Maybe things aren't just as hopeless as they seem.

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