Chapter 15

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Please play the song in the background. It really inspired me.

Hyejin P.O.V
My heart shattered into a million pieces. No, impossible. I couldn't breathe anymore. I was way to shocked. No this can't be happening. Jungkook was looking at me waiting for an answer. I used every ounce of control I had over myself and replied.

Do what makes you happy. And if that's what you want then go for it. I'm happy for you.  I said. What a lie. I'm a liar. I'm not happy. He smiled, thanked me and ran of, probably to find Eunha.

The moment he was out of sight, I broke down. I couldn't take it. My heart would never heal from that. I realized that the moment I heard the sound of it shattering in my head. I sobbed uncontrollably.

I was on the ground for who knows how long. Jungkook will propose to Eunha. That sentence was on replay in my head. To be honest. I can't be here anymore if Jungkook is going to marry Eunha.

I got up and walked home. I didn't care about anything anymore. All that without stopping my tears. People gave me weird looks but I didn't even realize that. I just kept walking.

Jungkook will marry Eunha. I didn't stop him and told him to do what makes him happy. And now I lost my chance. There won't be a way to go back to the old days. I lost him. I lost the love of my life. And he won't come back to me ever again.

I told him I was happy. I didn't know I was such a liar. Why didn't I just tell him to not do it. I just lost my reason to keep going with everything. I can't just forget that. I already tried to get over him but I can't and I never will. I'm now basically on my own. I lost all my family members, Wonho is probably dead or else we would have found him by now. What keeps me here anymore. Nothing. That's the only truth by now.

I couldn't stop crying, it was too much. Once I reached my house I took out the key and opened the door. I closed it behind me and slid down with my back against the wood. I hugged my knees and buried my head between them. My tears kept flowing like a waterfall and even if I wanted to, I would not be able to stop them. There were too many.

Eunha won. And I'm far from being strong. Agents don't cry. That would mean I'm not an agent. I thought of every memory I had with Jungkook but it made my heart ache more and more. I probably sat there for more than two hours and did nothing but cry.

At some point I made myself get up and I walked to my desk. I sat down, still crying at took out a piece of paper and started writing.

Dear Yongsun.
How are you? I hope you're happy. Because then you have something precious I don't get to have anymore. Happiness. I can't continue like this. I tried so hard to cope with everything. But I just can't. As you know I've been together with Jungkook for almost 4 years. But because of that accident, I lost my happiness. Wonho was one of the reasons for me to not give up. But now that he's probably gone, I lost my grip. And Jungkook. He came to me today and told me he wanted to marry Eunha. He wanted to propose to her. My heart shattered into a million pieces when I heard that. He doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember all the time we've spent together. He has no memories of the past years. And I can't get over it. I love him. I love him more than anything else in the world. He's my everything. And without him, my world just came crashing down. I can't continue like this. This is why I'm saying goodbye now.  Thank you for everything. Thank you for being there for me. But my time here seems to be up.

Tears sprinkled the piece of paper after I was done writing. I got up and walked out of the door. I closed it behind me. It had started to rain. But I didn't care. I walked to Yongsuns house. I would miss her. But I just can't do this anymore.

I put the letter in front of the door under the little roof so it wouldn't get wet. Then I turned around and walked to the river. It took some time but once I got there I walked along the edge. My eyes were probably totally red from crying none stop but I didn't give a damn.

Jungkook was probably with Eunha right now and is going to propose to her. I hope he will be happy. Because then it was worth it at least. And I don't feel this pain for nothing.

I saw the bridge and walked towards it. The rain drops fell down around me but I didn't care. I just kept walking. I arrived at the bridge and took some steps on it. Once I was in the middle I stopped and looked down.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being strong enough but I basically have to kill myself inside to stop the pain. And I can't do that. I'm too weak to do that. I took a deep breath then grabbed the railing.

I climbed on top of it. Nobody was nearby. No wonder. I took a few more seconds for remembering all the time I've spent with Jungkook. I smiled through the tears then let my mind go to Wonho one more time before opening my eyes and taking the last step...

If you want to look at the lyrics of Beautiful liar. It inspired me so much and because of this song I'm writing the plot like this.

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