Chapter 21: "Mother"

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"It may be a lot to take it, I know. You have created your own beliefs to make sense of your lives, to give reason to it. I understand if you do not wish to believe it." Kalós weakly smiles, taking a sip of her tea.

"My daughter has been tied with this.... thing beyond my understanding? Is that what you mean?" Ima ask, her breath clearly unsteady, but she was trying her best to stay calm.

"That is what I intend to warn you of. Yes." Kalós answers. "Listen..." she puts down her cup on the table, and taking Ima's hands in hers, looking at her straight in the eye. "I just need to be there for her. I can protect her, my brother may think differently about her. I just need you to trust me." She says in the calmest and sweetest way possible.

"Trust? I-I've done that all my life." Ima says taking back her hands, and crossing her arms over her chest. "I've trusted and tried to cherish people as much as I could, and when I took Cordis in she meant so much to me that I trusted her with everything she does and says... and she kept this from me. She should've told me." She sighs.

"Cordis was just trying to protect you." Kalós tells her sweetly.

"She didn't need to. I need to protect her." Ima argues.

"I have seen what your daughter is capable of, Ima. It is you that needs protecting." Kalós answers.

"Me? My daughter is out there!" Ima stands up, pointing out the window. "Doing God knows what, with that... that devil's child you speak of!" She screams. "I've welcomed you here, but I don't need any of this. I'm going to ask you to leave." She says, her voice becoming slightly deeper than it usually is.

"I can protect you too, Ima." Kalós stands up.

"From your story it didn't sound like it. Didn't you say it was like you power was being drained out of you?" Ima glares at her. "Go, I still have to find my daughter and bring her home."

"Ima, I need you to calm down." Kalòs says.
"I am calm. This joke wasn't even the least bit funny." She opens the front door.

"You're scared. In your heart you can tell that I am telling the truth. You fear for your daughter, just a second ago you said it yourself that she's out there and we need to protect her." Kalós walks up in front of her stopping, just before she goes out the door. "Ima..."

"I don't want to hear it." Ima pushes her out the door, and locks it shut.

"Your daughter is in danger, and I can provide you power." Kalós offers, her voice slightly muffled through the door.

"I just need to get her home, and we can leave all of this magic or world-bearer joke behind us." Ima yells, picking up her phone, dialing her daughter's number. "Pick up. Pick up. Pick up." She sighs frantically.

In the sofa where Kalós was once was, there was a soft buzz. Furrowing her brows, Ima came to pick it up. It was Cordis's phone. "Shit." She mutters. She runs up the stairs grabbing her large sweater covering herself in a rush, she picks up her keys and the two phones, walking out the door shutting it behind her in a hurry.

"Do you know where she is?" Kalós asks, she was still on the porch of their house. Her dress now turned to a white long coat, keeping her warm.

"I don't want anything to do with you." Ima ignores her, beginning to walk on the streets, opening her daughter's phone looking for contacts. Scrolling each contact until she saw a name that just infuriated her. Venatte. She calls her, growling as if she was an animal about to attack its target. "Pick up you you devil." She curses.

"Hello?" The line answered, it was her daughter. It was Cordis, her voice smooth and calm through the line.

"Where are you? I need to get to you. Now. There's this crazy woman who says you're tied up in a sometime of magical world thing. I need you safe, I'm picking you up, wherever you are." Ima rambles, barely even pausing to take a breath. The wind blew stronger and Ima wrapping her free arm around herself. The people who were spending their outside receded back in their homes to avoid the suddenly scorching cold weather, the streets became deserted almost like a ghost town, if it weren't for the occasional muffled arguments of married couples. "Cordis?" she asks, it was like the other line went silent.

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