Chapter 0.5

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( Elijah's POV )

Training, killing, training, killing, training, killing...

These seemingly bloody behaviors are actually my daily routine.

My hands are covered with the blood of countless people just because I am the eldest son of the branch family of the big assassination family - Ubidi. I have been hailed as a rare assassination genius since I was a child. This is not because of my wish, but a terrible ability instinct. So under the helplessness, when I was three years old, I began to train as an assassin.

The reason why I am the genius assassin, except for my assassination, which is mainly because of my magic - TIME. I can stop the time flow for a few seconds. Maybe a few seconds for a average person is very short, but for the assassin, a few seconds are enough to kill a person. There's a weakness for this magic... Whenever I use this magic, my heart will stop beating, so I can't rely on this magic to assassinate.

Therefore, I am doing the same training every day. Mainly about assassinations, such as: how to use different weapons (pistols, daggers, ropes, etc.), understand and use poison (how to make poison, the function of each poison, etc.), martial arts (downgrade, self-defense), interrogation skills And the skills to be interrogated (in order to be forced by the tortured person, the family secrets are not stated, and at least one hour of abuse or torture per day).


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