Chapter 14

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(Elijah's POV)

Farewell, brother.

I opened my eyes after hearing the whisper. I give myself a moment to shed the sleep from my brain, to allow the visions of the night to give way to the day, to move from that which I create on a whim to things more fixed and real. After a few minutes, I am able to greet the sunlight. My entire body is stiff as if I haven't moved my body for ages. I look around and find myself in my bedroom.

Why am I here? I thought I-


I can hear the wood moving sound, someone must be walking upstairs. I difficultly sit up and stare at the door, with wary.

" Sinar? " I asked as I hear the footsteps speed up.

" Elijah! You are awake! Finally! " Sinar runs to me and cheers. He places his hand on my forehead, " Alright, you don't have fever anymore! "

" How long have I been sleeping? " I ask after seeing how excited Sinar looks.

" Bro! You have been sleeping for a week! " that's why my body is so stiff, makes sense, " Well at least you are fine now! "

I look around the room then I see Ribica and the fish tank on the table next to me. Why is it here? It normally stays downstairs with Emi...

" Where's Emi? " I confusedly request.

" What are you talking about? " I look up to Sinar, who suddenly looks serious.





" She is dead. "





" ...? " Suddenly, a crushing pain just on one side of my head that comes, I cover my head with both of my hands, my eyes waters, and my nose runs.

Right... Emi was... kicked out of the cliff and died.

She is dead... because I am useless... I didn't manage to protect her, my only family in the world.

I can't breathe...

ha... ha... ha...


(Sinar's POV)

Elijah suddenly hugs his head, he is breathing rapidly. I bend down and try to see whether he is fine or not.

He sweating like hell, with his eyes widen. Is he having a panic attack?

" Hey, Elijah! " I place both of my hands on his shoulder, " Look into my eyes, calm down! "

He frowns while difficulty looks into my eyes, he begins breathing slower.

" Great, breathe slowly, inhale, exhale... " after I comfort him, he looks much calmer and he lays down on his bed.

" You feel better? "

" ... " He turns around and covers his entire body with the blanket. I sigh after seeing him like this. It is my first time seeing him looking depressed or having a panic attack. He must be shocked hearing Emilijah's death news.

" Sinar... " Elijah suddenly speaks up. " Yes? "

" I feel like... I can understand how you feel when Sutarutos is dead. " he simply states and he curls his body, trembling.

"... " I didn't know what to reply to him. He must be desperate now. Emilijah is the most important person in the world. Now he lost his family, the most important person to him. But to me, brother Sutarutos is just... simply a brother... he never did anything to me. I don't have many feelings about him. That's probably the reason why I am not sad when I heard that he is dead. To me, Elijah is much more important than him.

" Sinar... " Elijah speaks up again, " Normally after I kill people, when their family saw the corpses, they'll cry. But how come I don't? Am I weird? "

He, again makes me not know how to answer. I stay silent, staring at the ground.

" We are assassins... " I finally decided to speak up, " We see people die literally every day as if it is our daily routine. Maybe... that's why we don't... feel sad? " I question myself then I shut up mouth. I seriously don't know why I never experience these things before. Emilijah is like my little sister, my chest feels uncomfortable when I heard her dead news. Perhaps... I do feel sad. If I do feel sad, Elijah must be...

" I'll stay by your side... " I place my hand on his body, then his body trembles more. I just look up to the ceiling.

I hope I am good enough that I can do something for him.


The room becomes darker and darker, the night comes.

" Sinar... " Elijah speaks up, I tilt my head, waiting for him to continue his sentence.

"Can you leave me alone for a moment?" he says calmly like he normally does. I nod then stand up, walk to the door before I close the door, Elijah sits up.

" I'll wait for you outside of the door. " I said as I close the door.

I regret, for leaving him alone. Things will not be as worse if I stayed by his side.

But, it is too late.

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