Chapter 13

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( Sinar's POV )

Did she just said that... Did she kill brother Sutarutos?

What? This doesn't make any sense! So my brother is dead? But how? There's no way that brother can be killed by a powerless girl!

" Emilijah... you... should rest now... "I reluctantly spit out the sentence and Emilijah closed her eyes, falls asleep rather quick.

I watched Emilijah for a while then I fall on the ground. I covered my head and sigh.

What on the earth happened in here?


( Elijah's POV )

I opened my eyes, my view is blurry. I blinked a few times then my view started getting more clear.

Where am I?

Right... Scitus and Sutarutos... wanted to kill Emi... and then... Sutarutos is dead... Wait... where is Emi?

I immediately sit up but then I fell into my bed again. My limbs are weak, I can't even sit up...

" Elijah... " I look around and found Sinar sitting next to my bed. He looks at me and gives me a wry smile.

" Sinar... "

" You still have fever... you need rest now... don't leave the bed. "

" Where's Emi? "

" She is sleeping in her wheelchair. "

I look around and found Emi still sleeping in her wheelchair. Her face is red and swollen, "Emi... " I looked at her and sighed in relief.

" Hey, Elijah... can you tell me what happened here just now? " Sinar asked me in a serious tone. It is my first time seeing him talking to me in such a decent tone. Right... I'll need to tell him everything, he deserves to know.

I look into him and nods. " Sutarutos and Scitus came when I was asleep... they attacked Emi... I don't know why but just... and then I woke up and protect Emi... then they threaten me with... they said they'll tell Emi about the promise I made with my father. Then they said if I let them stab with the poisoned dagger... they'll not tell Emi the truth. Then... "

I remember how Emi got out of control and I frowned, covering my mouth with my hand.

" What happened? " Sinar snaps me back to reality. I exhaled, " Emi went out of control... her magic power just suddenly activated and... Sutarutos begins moaning in pain... after Emi calms down... we found out that Sutarutos is... "

" Dead. " Sinar helped me to finish the sentence. I shockingly look up to him, " But there's no proof that Emi is the murderer! So-"

" I know Emi will not do such things... " Sinar places his hand on my shoulder. " Elijah... don't you think that I am weird? "

" huh? "

" My elder brother is dead... but I don't feel sad at all... why? " Sinar clenches his fists in front of his chest, " Is it because we killed too many people? That's why I don't... "

" Sinar... " I don't know what to say... I wonder how will I react if Emi dies one day...

"Poor kid... you are forced... to kill people at this age... you must have... a tough... life... " I suddenly what Dominique told me before he died. Are we poor that we are forced to kill at a young age? Are we not normal? I don't understand this. Killing sounds normal to me... it is my daily routine.

Suddenly a dark shadow appears at Sinar's back, " Sinar! Your back! "

I was too late, the dark shadow hit his hand onto Sinar's neck, he then collapsed.

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