Chapter 11

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( Emilijah's POV )

I was born crippled. I always drag my brother behind. He should be able to escape from the Ubidi without me.

Noah, a character from " The Soul ", who is my favorite book character. I always hope to be as strong as him. I wish I can have the same power Noah does. If I have that power, I can help my brother.


" NOOOO!!!" I feel tears rolling down on my face. If I ever have the same power as Noah, I can help my brother to get out of this situation. He'll not be stab with the poisonous dagger.

If I have that power...


( Elijah's POV )

Sutarutos is looking into my eyes, he is slowly putting the dagger closer to my arm. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the fate I would face.

" AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Emi suddenly screamed, which shocked everyone in the room. I feel sudden pain on my right arm. I immediately look into my arm, the fresh red blood rolls down from my arm. I then look at the dagger that is on Sutaruto's hand, it is cover with blood.

So I'm poisoned... the effect should be up in a few minutes...

" ARGHHHHH!!!!! " Suddenly, Sutarutos starts screaming in pain, covering his head with both of his hands. He then collapsed on the floor and start rolling around.

" Brother! Are you okay?! " Scitus nervously runs to Sutarutos. But then, he reflects and falls onto the ground. Then, he tries walking closer to Sutarutos. " There's an invisible wall?! " Scitus confusedly touches the invisible wall and starts knocking and yelling, " Brother! Are you okay?! Reply to me! "

What in the world is going on? Why are all these suddenly happening?

" B-brother? " Emi whispers, I look at where Emi is straightaway. There's light and strong wind surrounding Emi, the furniture in the room are flying around. It is a mess.

" Emi! " I try to stay close to Emi, but in the end, I get blow off by the strong wind. I sit on the ground and stare into Emi, who is looking confused and scared.

What is going on?

"Brother...what is going on with me? What is this? I- I... " Emi nervously covers her head and she starts crying again.

Wait... did Emi make this happen? With her magic? But that doesn't make any sense... I thought she is not able to use any magic power! But why now?!

No this is not the important thing now, I need to get Emi out of that weird thing.

" Emi! Make this stop! Did you make this wind barrier thingy?! " I yell loudly as I try to get closer to Emi and get blow off again.

" I don't know! I don't know what is going on here! " Emi trembles anxiously.

" You crippled! What the hell are you doing!? Inactivate the freaking power! " Scitus yells in fear. While continuing on getting to Sutarutos, who is barely moving, lying on the ground.

" Emi, listen, calm down and close your eyes. Take a few deep breathes, and keep thinking about inactivating the power. " I try to say calmly while my entire body is trembling. I have no idea how to make this stop.

Why am I so useless? I can't even protect my only sister!

Then, I feel something warm rolling down from my nose. I wipe it with my hand.


" I... I did it... " I hear Emi's whisper, I immediately wipe my hands and look at her direction. The wind around her eventually gets weaker and weaker. At last, the furniture in the room stops flying around. While the wind and light that surrounded Emi are all gone.

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