27. Forgotten Again

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Nevaeh Jones
Malibu, California

            It was the first day of school and I'm completely terrified because it's junior high

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It was the first day of school and I'm completely terrified because it's junior high...and kids are mean.

The house was quiet as a mouse because daddy is probably either in his man cave or at the studios. It's how it's been the whole time since we came back from Miami.

I got dressed in my outfit after my shower and pulled my braids with beads from inside of my shirt. Daddy paid for one of his stylists to do my hair so I felt really cute. Might get into a fight today. I don't know yet.

I slid my feet inside of my huaraches and grabbed my princess backpack. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, Heaven spelled backwards. How is your morning?" Our new chef named Bobby asked me.

"It's quiet as usual. Is there some jam?" I brushed off his question.

He handed me the jam and I spread it on my toast. "Your father can't take you to school today, so I will have to since Jeffrey was fired. I'm sure today will be exciting as always for you."

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and ate my breakfast. My mind kept going back to kids being mean to me and how everyone wanted something from me because I'm pretty. I hated it when people started treating me weirdly.

Anyways, I finished eating. I helped Bobby clean up and we went out to the truck. He helped me up like a gentleman and I buckled myself in.

"So are you happy to be in junior high school?" He asked driving off from the lot.

I chuckled. "No. I'm scared. Junior high school isn't like elementary. I know no one."

He nodded. "I remember feeling that way. I never really stayed in one place. I was always moving, my dad and me. It was like everywhere I went, kids would tease me. I was alone."

I frowned a bit and looked up at him. "You seem like you've done well with your life."

"Well I'm older now," He laughed. "I just feel like we all have to go through things and face our fears. It's how we get stronger and learn. I made some friends at the last middle school I attended who are still friends with me today. I saved them, and they saved me. So when you go to school today, keep your head up and learn about all of these things that your teachers will teach you. We need education."

"I will, Bobby."

He pulled into the school and helped me out. I fixed my bag and he gave me a warm hug that no one except my twin has ever given me.

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