The genius - Beriot Duo concertant for 2 Violins No. 3 in D major

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"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius."  - Arthur Conan Doyle 

Even through the next day, the melody of la Campanella was still singing in Gale's ears. Gale walked dazed in and out of music theory classes and finally to her room for dinner when she heard a tap on her door.

"Yes?" Gale opened the door. To her surprise, Newton was standing by the door.

"Wow, nice room," Newton commented, looking around. Gale blushed at his remark.

"I'm Newton Frost. You're Gale Smar- something, right?" 

"Yeah, I saw you at the class yesterday. Nice performance," Gale put her hand forward for a handshake but instead of a handshake, Newton put a music sheet on Gale's hand. 

"What is this?" Gale asked, confused. 

"Duo concertant for 2 Violins No.3 in D major, Op. 57 - Allegretto by Beriot," Newton replied promptly. 

"Alright... but why are you giving me this..?" Gale reluctantly flipped through the piece. The piece was fast with dramatic, lively melodies. 

"We are both assigned to Professor Claude for our violin class. He said he will test this piece by Friday." 

"What?? But today is Tuesday..." Gale's eyes widened. Not only that she now has a piece to master by the end of Friday, but she was also paired with a prodigy for his violin class mentor. She could already imagine Professor Claude's disappointment with her as she will be inevitably compared to this genius for the entire semester. 

"And why am I automatically the second violin?" Gale muttered under her breath. 

"Why, the great aristocratic family will never play a second violin for a commoner?" Newton smirked. 

"No, I mean... I'm alright with the second violin," Maybe Gale should be glad Newton at least didn't make her play the viola. 

"We can meet on Thursday night to match our parts and see how it goes from there." 

Only after Newton left, Gale realized how hard she was clenching her fist. Of course, she gets it that Newton plays way better than her. However, if this asshole thinks Gale will be OK treated like an accompanist the entire semester, Gale was going to prove him wrong. Gale packed her violin and ran to the practice room, ready to bust Newton on Thursday. 

'I'm going to make him regret putting me on the second violin.' 

For the next days, all Gale could think about during her music theory and history classes were practicing. She worked on getting fluent in all the techniques presented in the music. She played the piece so many times that she even memorized her part entirely by Thursday. With bagged eyes, she trotted to the practice room on Thursday night, ready to meet Newton. Gale was confident that at least, Newton will flinch at her newly found determination and musical talent. Newton was already ready with a violin in his hand.

"So, did you practice?" Newton asked. 

"Of course, from start to finish," Gale replied, preparing her violin. 

"Alright, I'll give you the signal and we'll start." 

When Gale picked up the violin, she met her gaze with Newton's. Newton took a deep breath. Then at the same time, they began to play. 

The moment the music started, Gale almost went weak to her knees. Newton's first violin was flawless - it spoke and asked and replied in return to Gale's playing, slowly building the harmony. Gale has never felt her music so complete as her violin sang with his. The complex notes seemed to make literary sense like a sentence - a poem that yearned for interpretation.

"Sounds about right," Newton nodded when the music stopped. Gale looked around the room, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. They have stopped playing but the music seemed to be still hanging in the air.

"Why?" Gale muttered as she lowered his violin. 


"Just tell the Anderson that you're going to debut as a soloist already. Why are you even studying here in Meldovern?" Where you have to play a duet with someone as mediocre as me? Gale thought. It was not jealousy but just facing the sheer fact of such a prodigy that made every effort futile and agonizing. However, it was also something that just made Gale wonder in awe at such creation.

Newton stared at Gale for a long time, as if choosing the right word to say. As Newton began to pack up the violin, he replied slowly.

"I'm...looking for someone."

Gale looked up surprised. 


"I have only heard him play once at Port Kaiim several years ago. He was the best musician I have ever heard and I have always dreamed of dedicating my music to him." 

Gale searched on top of her head who could it be. However, no one soloist came to mind. 

"I couldn't find him in any concert hall of Handorr so I thought maybe... he would be studying in a secluded area." 

Newton looked up at the window where the dense woods surrounded the school - The Forests of Silence, the forest that concealed all the music to and from Meldovern. 

"But maybe I was wrong. I've listened to several musicians here in Meldovern for the past days but no one was him. Now, I'm unsure of what to do." Newton turned his gaze to Gale. 

"What do you think I should do?" 

Gale, speechless, looked back at Newton while the crushing silence hovered over them like a storm. 

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