Fight or Flight - Franck Prelude Chorale and Fugue

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"Your music was absolutely stunning," Anthony Frost continued, shaking Gale's hand.

Gale's heartbeat raced. She glanced frantically at Newton from the corner of her eyes. Newton was still surrounded by swarms of people.

"We can go to the private lounge, shall we?" Gale's father led his wife, Anthony, and Gale to the secluded room. Gale followed, unable to deny.

"For Gale, my wonderful daughter."

They sat down in the lounge and toasted with red wine. Gale took a small sip, eyeing Anthony fiercely.

This was the man Newton talked about. This was the man Newton ran away from, from violence and neglect.

Gale's nervousness turned to boiling anger. She was going to make him regret his choice of being so cruel to his own son, making revenge for Newton.

"So, what did you think about the student who won first place?" Gale asked Anthony. "That student ... Newton Frost." Gale slowly spoke out Newton's full name.

Their eyes met for a split second.

Yes, that is your son. Now that you see him so successful, aren't you regretting your choice now?

Anthony took a sip of his wine.

"His performance...was unique."

"It was excellent." Gale gritted her teeth.

Just admit that you're salty. You lost that gifted mind in your family because of your stupidity and beastly action.

"But he's just another dirty dog from the street."

Gale's mind was cut off from her angry train of thoughts. She looked up at Anthony with disbelief.

"What-no. He...he's a genius!"

"Just another smart pet who learned some good tricks."

Anthony drank the rest of his wine and smiled at Gale slyly.

"These commoners are exactly like stray dogs. They are never satisfied, they run away-"

Gale's eyes widened.

"-and give you trouble even after many many years. No dignity, grace, loyalty whatsoever. I don't believe in their music - it's an utter disgrace to pure art."

Anthony took another glass of wine and eyed Gale with such intensity, eyes ready to hunt its prey.

"As an aristocrat yourself, Ms. Smaragdos, what do you think?"

Gale had only one thought in her mind now.

She cannot let Newton see this guy tonight.


Gale realized she has completely underestimated Anthony.

She excused herself out of the room, letting her father and Anthony talk business. Gale stumbled out to the hall, looking for Newton. She didn't understand why her eyes were getting all red.

And she told Newton that she will be safe with him.

How humiliating.

Gale could hear a loud toast from the second floor and she headed straight to the stair.

This was a great night for Newton. Gale couldn't let this guy destroy it. She will take Newton to the dormitory, NOW.

"Hey, Gale. Congratulation!"

Julia turned to Gale as she walked up to the second floor.

"Thanks, Julia. Quick question...Where is Newton?"

"Oh, he just went to the restroom. He'll be right back."

Gale ran to the restroom, leaving Julia puzzled. She swung open the door to find Newton washing his hands.

"Uh, Gale. This is a boy's restroom -"

Then, noticing Gale's stressed looks and teary eyes, Newton's tone instantly changed to concern.

"What is it? Everything alright?"

Gale looked up at Newton.

No, how can she tell him? That the father that traumatized him years ago still does not give a fuck? That your father just saw the performance and insulted your music like it was a piece of shit? That she tried to get back to Anthony but failed so hard?

No, she cannot discolor tonight like that.

"Newton... I was... I want to go back to the dormitory with you."

Newton raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

"Why so soon?"

"I'm not feeling very well."

Newton gripped Gale's shoulder and stared at her eyes hard. Gale was lying, and Newton could tell.

"What is your problem? Are you mad that I got the first place instead of you?"

"Of course not! What the hell-"

"Then tell me the truth. Why are you acting so weird?"

Then Gale heard her father's voice outside the restroom talking to Anthony-

"I like the new plan of enhancing the code..."

Then the restroom door began to open slowly.


Gale grabbed Newton by the shoulder and slammed him into one of the stalls. She immediately locked the door behind them.

"What the fuck -"

Gale put her index fingers up to her lips, sealing his words.

"But the budget seems to be a little tight-"

Gale could hear her father's voice outside the stall, turning the facet on.

Newton was confused but he smiled as he brought Gale closer to him, teasingly.

"This was why you wanted to go back to the dormitory?"

Newton whispered in Gale's ears, chuckling. Meanwhile, Gale was concentrating all her nerves on the outside of the stall. She could hear her father opening the door for exit.

"What was the name of the boy who got the first place again?"

Gale could hear her father's voice.

Almost, almost.

"Newton Frost."

The voice contained a hint of disgust as Anthony spit out the name and walked outside the restroom.

Newton's eyes widened at the voice.

His early years instinctively knew when that voice called his name.

His eyes filled with horror as they met with Gale's. She realized all her attempts were futile as Newton managed to utter out a single word -


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