I'm better - Paganini Caprice 04

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"Oh sweetie, the monsters are real and they look like real people." -Unknown

Meldovern Young Artists Competition

This is perhaps one of the biggest competitions for young musicians in Handorr. The three winners receive a special opportunity to perform in the Candra concert hall. All known figures of Handorr who appreciate - or says they appreciate - arts come to this annual event to seek out the upcoming stars of classical music. 

No doubt, today was an important day for everyone in Meldovern.

And even more so for Gale because her parents were coming all the way from Candra for her performance. Gale has played in front of her family a few times at home but this was the first time her parents were seeing her on a big stage. She desperately wanted to prove to her family that their investment in Gale's musical education was luckily, not all lost. 

Gale looked out the window of the waiting room, pacing back and forth nervously. She looked down at the carriages stopping in at the front gate and a flood of people outside the hall. Gale's breathing was fast and uneven, her hands shaking badly. 

Newton has gone downstairs for a moment to greet Anderson, his sponsor. Newton has said to Gale before he left the waiting room -

"Don't lose your shit, alright?"-

but apparently, it wasn't working.

She looked at the list of people competing tonight. Newton was performing last and Gale was right before him. Gale sighed in relief when she saw the list. She would never want to play right after Newton. That would have been humiliating. 

Meanwhile, the competition was starting at the stage. 

"Thanks for coming to our annual Meldovern Young Artists Competition. There are 15 students who are competing today."

The voice echoed to the waiting room. Gale gulped, fidgeting her sweaty hands.

"Our first competitor is going to be Layla Tones, second-year student, playing Bach Violin Partita No.3 in E major."

The first competitor began to play the most beautiful Bach piece with ease. Hearing her music, Gale's mind went blank. She looked at the sheet she was going to perform tonight but couldn't read anything. Everything seemed jumbled up. She was hyperventilating now, certain that she wouldn't be able to play a single note on stage. The music in her head was gone.

"Gale," Newton came back to the waiting room. Gale looked up at Newton, her face pale.

Looking at Gale so distressed, Newton hurriedly sat beside Gale. 

"Hey, hey. It's alright." 

"... I don't think I can do this," Gale trembled, biting her lips.

Newton put her arms around Gale.

"Hey, close your eyes." Newton softly whispered. 

Gale took a deep breath and closed her eyes, fighting back nervous tears. 

"Remember the Odal beach? It was nice, right?" 

Gale nodded, her eyes closed. 

"Remember the rhythm of the waves? The warm sand and the way it crashed into the cliffs?" 

Gale nodded again, her breathing slowing down a little. She remembered the intricate patterns of the sea as it softly channeled through her feet. The sound of power crashing into other forces. 

"Just remember that, Gale. Your ocean is beautiful. Share it with the audience like you shared it with me that day." 

Gale opened her eyes slowly. She looked at the sheet in front of her again. The notes made sense to her now. 

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