A Thorn Tree - October Time to Love

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"Come out, I want to hear you play," a voice called to Newton.

Newton slowly walked barefoot toward a pale light coming from the window. He was called. He was wanted, for the first time in his life. 

Like a duck imprinting on its mother, Newton stepped out of the shadow, searching for the musician. Only a silver moon greeted him. The port was already empty. 


'I was mad,' Newton shook his head as he headed back to Meldovern after spring break. 

He was passing by Candra. Even from a small window of the carriage, he could see which house Gale lived in. The most grandiose house on the top of the highest hill, looking over other stylish buildings of Candra. 

After the reality check from Gale's family ring, Newton knew exactly what he should do from now on. 

Keep your distance. Do not wish for more. Any closer than this, both of them will only get hurt. 

'I was just distracted...by that stupid contract,' Newton sighed. He just wanted to find the musician he met at Port Kaiim - why did everything become so complicated?

Newton returned to Meldovern. To his disappointment, he still hasn't gotten any reply from Darius. 

Frustrated, he threw his bag across the room.


The week following spring break went absolutely terribly for Gale. Newton was cold, ignoring Gale for most of the time. She knew Newton has changed after the date, but she couldn't figure out why.

The weather was also gray and cloudy, just like how Gale felt. Testing her patience for a week, she just couldn't stand it anymore. After class, Gale walked down the stairs to Newton's dormitory room to talk.

"Newton, Are you there?" 

Silence followed. 

"Can I come in?" 

Gale hesitantly opened the door. Nobody was in the room. 

The room was completely empty as well - no bags, no books, no clothes, nothing. 

"...What?" Gale looked around, confused. There was only a torn-up letter in the trash can. Gale picked it up. 

'Dear Mr. Frost

I'm Maria, a daughter of Darius Gavenii. 

I'm sorry to inform you but my father took a ship for his concert tours five years ago and we never heard back from him since. Our family was told he got lost in the sea and his funeral was held just two years ago.

Sorry for the late reply.

Sincerely, Maria' 

A crushing realization fell upon Gale. 

Newton left Meldovern. Newton left her, after reading the letter. 

Gale ran outside, her mind racing. The front gate was closed during the weekdays so Newton must have taken the back route - a trail that leads to the forest and to the nearby village. 

Gale sprinted toward the forest with a heavy cloud above her. 



Her voice was already hoarse. The forest of silence, following its name, engulfed Gale's voice with its thick branches and leaves. It almost felt like shouting under the water. 

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