Apology accepted - Brahms Violin Sonata No.3 in D minor

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"The modern biographers forget how softly Eros walked in the nineteenth-century." - Lisel Mueller


"Will you be back?" Newton asked into the void.  His voice echoed back to him.

"...Please, come back," He whispered. The deafening sound of silence engulfed him, and he crawled into the shadow and into the darkness again. 

Newton woke up, sweating.


Headache and nausea. 

Gale woke up with the worst hangover. She found herself sprawled in bed, still feeling the taste of vodka in her mouth. The light from the window was blinding and she covered her eyes, trying to regain her memory. She had no idea how she ended up in her room. Every muscle in her body hurt. There was a note next to the pillow and Gale squinted her eyes, trying to read. 

'Hey, Gale. You passed out after the party so I took you to your room. I took the list you said was for me, which was delivered last night. I will be at the library if you need me. -Newton" 

What the hell is Newton talking about? Gale wondered. Then the images from last night all came crashing upon her. Did she actually - what ?!?? Gale shrieked and rolled herself into a ball. She kicked her blanket high, feeling borderline suicidal. 

Shooting up in bed now, Gale chugged a cup of water down. She will have to go to the library and apologize to Newton right away. 


Newton was at the library. He was examining the Port Kaiim list and comparing it to the book of honorary musicians and alumni of Meldovern. Amrio Craig? Nah, he heard him play and it was bland. Carey Shaw? No, it wasn't him... he was too old. 

As Newton was crossing out the names, he heard Gale running into the library hall. 


Newton looked up, nonchalant. 

"Good morning, Gale. You look awful."

"Um....... a little, yeah." Gale stammered. 

"Drink more water, it'll help," Newton replied blandly and focused again on the list. 

Confused, Gale awkwardly sat next to Newton. How can he be so calm? It was as if nothing happened. Maybe it was all a dream? 

Gale was now a little hopeful. She must have just jabbered about the list to Newton last night and blacked out right away. Yeah, that's probably what happened. Everything was just a dream. Gale convinced herself, sighing with relief. 

"Got some clues?" Gale asked, now feeling more comfortable.

"Not yet. This is going to take some time." Newton groaned. 

Gale took out her music theory homework and asked, 

"Do you mind if I... work next to you?" 

"Not at all, I don't mind." Then, he added with some hesitation - 

"...you can ask me if you have any questions." 

Well, since they are now bound by this "contract" that Gale wants to learn music from him somehow. 

Gale's eyes widened. She thought of Newton as an interesting person but not so much a heartwarming person. So what's the new deal now? Maybe he's just feeling generous today?

Oh well, she wasn't going to argue with the good stuff. Gale took out her homework and began to study.


Newton stretched, giving out a big yawn. It was getting late. Other students in the library have all left. He flipped through the documents, gone through most of the lists.

He glanced to his right. Gale has fallen asleep next to him, head down to the desk, arms crossed. She was still clutching to her half done-homework. 

Newton crossed his arms and rested his head on the desk next to Gale. His eyes were level to Gale's closed eyes now and he could feel her peaceful breathing, rising and falling. Newton gazed at Gale, lost in thought.

Newton recalled his first time meeting Gale in the classroom. Her music was naive, innocent and sincere, filled with childlike original interpretation. Gale's playing revealed her personality right away - a flower untouched by the storm, a blank piece of paper, a wide-eyed child. Something Newton couldn't wish for in his entire life growing up in filth. And people see the beauty in what they do not have, and Newton seeing the beauty, yearned it.

Suddenly, Gale's eyes flung open. Her eyes immediately met with Newton's gaze. They both froze with surprise. A minute passed, what felt like hours. Gale's eyes widened as she realized the newly stirring emotions between them, the truth of yesterday. She spoke softly as if in fear of breaking the silence.

"It was not a dream, wasn't it?" 

No, it was not a dream. Newton shook his head in reply. 

Gale shut her eyes tight in embarrassment. 

"I messed up," Gale whispered. "I'm sorry." 

Gale's eyes fluttered back in surprise as Newton suddenly moved in closer to kiss her. However, It was different from yesterday. 

Newton lustily enclosed Gale's lips with his, tasting her. His tongue lightly traced Gale's upper lips. Gale shivered. After a few moments of teasing, the boy's tongue slowly made its way inside. Gale flinched as her tongue met with a foreign flavor. She felt like she was going to pass out again, whether from a pounding heart or a lack of breath. Finally, when Newton let her go, Gale coughed, panting. She felt dizzy, and it was definitely not from the hangover. 

Newton, indifferent, wiped the slippery edge of his mouth with his sleeve and said,

"And that's the commoner's way of saying - your apology is accepted." 

It was a blatant lie - of course. 

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