Fight it is - Gryffin Whole Heart

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Newton's head hurt.

He always wondered - why can't he remember his father's face? 

He could clearly recall the face of the mistress, some of his caretakers, and the room he grew up in. However, for his father, Newton could only conjure up a blurry idea of him. The tall figure, smooth suit, a gold glass. 

The only thing Newton could clearly remember was his voice. The voice calling his name that shook shiver down his spine. 

Why can't he remember? What happened that made him erase him out of his head entirely? 

Every time Newton tried to remember his father, his head began to hurt as if to warn him - No, it's not worth it.

Then the warm sunset touching his face, the waves of the Odal beach flooded his mind and the soft voice of his mother rang in his ears, 

"It's alright Newton. Everything is going to be alright."



" knew," Newton whispered.

Gale looked down at her feet, biting her lips.

"I didn't want you to meet him. This is your good day. I didn't want him to ruin it."

He had so many questions but it was hard to formulate his words as the pounding headache continued.  Newton shook his head vigorously as if trying to get rid of the pain. 

Why was he here? 

Did his father ... like his performance?

Does he remember me?

Did he...ever think about me after I ran away?

"Were you... feeling sorry for me?"

Newton's voice cracked as he asked Gale. He couldn't believe she tried to hide his biggest trauma over his back. Why didn't Gale just talk to him? 

Newton staggered out of the stall. Gale followed, talking about something that he couldn't hear anymore. Everything was muffled, blurry, and confusing.

"No, Newton," Gale gripped Newton by the wrist as he tried to step outside.

Newton looked back at Gale coldly.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Gale knew something he didn't. And that drove him crazy.

"He...he recognized you. But -"

That was enough for Newton. He sharply snatched his wrist out of her hand and stormed outside.

Gale was calling him from behind as Newton ran to the hall. People were eyeing him as if he were crazy as he roughly opened every door of the lounges, his eyes mad and lost.


Gale's parents have gone to meet other honorary guests on the top floor. 

Anthony was alone for a moment, smoking in the private lounge when the door flung open.

Newton was panting as he finally met face to face with Anthony.

The headache turned into a piercing scream inside his head. He grabbed his head in pain as he looked at his father after ten years.

Anthony gazed at Newton as if staring at an animal at the zoo.

"...why are you here?" Newton asked, trying to keep his voice calm. 

"Don't get me wrong. I just came here as the guest of the Smaragdos family - "

Anthony stepped on his cigarette, mashing them under his shoes.

"-If I knew you were here, I would have never come."

The words stung. Even after a decade, his father still regretted him.

"I see that you have learned some several new...tricks after you ran away."

Anthony smirked as he walked up to Newton who was avoiding his gaze.

"I am the first commoner to be sponsored by the Anderson family," Newton replied, gritting his teeth, trying to defend himself. He was not the boy Anthony remembered - Newton was recognized for his talent and rightfully and proudly so. 

"To blend in with the aristocrats? You know deep down, you are not welcome here, Newton."

Whenever Anthony spoke his name, the screaming in his head only got louder. Was the screaming his or someone else's? 

Newton staggered back, his breathing fast and uneven. Gale was right. He shouldn't have come to meet his father. He was not ready for this, even after many years. 

"Why do you look so shocked?" Anthony laughed.

Newton could now feel Anthony's breath in his face. He trembled. 

"Don't tell me you don't remember. That dirty blood also ran in your mother's blood." 

Newton felt his knees getting weak. He stumbled back, almost crashing to the ground when he sensed a strong hand holding him. 

"Mr. Frost, sorry for interrupting ... a family reunion."

Gale was in front of him, facing Anthony. 

Newton could only see Gale in his blurry vision. He could feel a racing heartbeat of Gale as she grasped his hand tightly in hers.

"Ms. Smaragdos, your father was looking for you on the 3rd floor." Anthony changed his tone immediately, politely acknowledging Gale.

"I'm sorry but excuse us, I must take Newton back to the dormitory now."

Anthony looked at Gale with quizzical eyes.

"Coming from the noblest family, I must say you have a peculiar taste in picking your friend, Ms. Smaragdos."

Gale's eyes turned dangerously fierce as she looked straight into Anthony's eyes. The look of warning -

"He's not my friend. He's mine so please, do not insult my property-"

Or you will pay a price.

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