Proposal - DJ Okawari Fly with me

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When Gale arrived home for the summer, it was too late. Her father did not wake up even when his youngest daughter grabbed his shoulder, shedding regretful tears. 

After her father passed away, Gale received a wooden box from her father's will that contained an emerald ring her father used to wear: a symbol of her family that all direct descendants of the Smaragdos family wear. 

The letter inside the box also mentioned how Gale now had to take some responsibility for her family business. Apparently, her father also wanted to expand their influence to culture and arts of Handorr as well, including building an opera hall in Candra. Naturally, Gale took on those parts of the business, receiving stacks of documents that needed to be signed and reviewed. 

Several days after the family funeral, an event was held at the Smaragdos family mansion to announce new business plans. In front of all the aristocrats and reporters, Gale briefly stated that the family will expand their business upon the arts of Handorr as well. After that, she just stood in the corner while all her older brothers talked about something far more important, such as business and politics, which she did not understand. 

Bored, Gale came out to the garden, away from all the people. Then, in the moonlight, she saw the person she needed the most.

Newton was standing in the garden by patches of roses. 

Gale stopped breathing for a moment, looking at Newton for the first time in a few months. Newton has come after reading her letter. 

"Newton," Gale called softly. 

Newton looked up, startled. He looked at Gale wearing an all-black dress. 

Was Gale alright? Did she eat well while he was gone? Did she cry? 

So many questions circled Newton's head but all he could do was whisper Gale's name. 


"You came."  

Newton's hand went to his pocket, where Gale's letter was. He has canceled all other concerts and ran straight to Candra after reading the letter. He knew the urgency of the situation just from looking at Gale's shaky signature. 

However, when Newton finally came here, he regretted his choice immediately. Just looking at how Gale presented herself so noble and dignified to the public, surrounded by so many people with imperial status, Newton's confidence crumbled down once again.

All these months, he has strived to become a better person for Gale. He thought if he was recognized and turn rich enough, he would have some say in being next to Gale. However, once Newton thought he has just reached that level, Gale has moved another notch higher - becoming one of the responsible leaders in the Smaragdos family. 

Sensing Newton's discomfort, Gale moved in closer. She wanted to touch, to feel Newton after missing him for such a long time but Newton looked nervous. Gale's heart ached, seeing him like this.

"...Are you uncomfortable because of all the aristocrats inside?"

"...No," Newton lied. 

"Are you tired because of the concerts?"

"It's not that...."

Gale put her hands gently on Newton's cheek. He looked like he has lost some weight and it worried Gale, despite everything. 

"I have another concert tomorrow. I need to get going now. I just wanted to...see if you were alright."

"Stay, you can sleep in the guest room for the night." 

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