Come Back - DJ Okawari Luv Letter

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"This is for both of us."

Newton's voice sounded all muffled to Gale.
What the hell was he talking about? Nothing made sense.

"I need to be a better person for you, Gale. I need to build ... a better ground for me be with you."


Gale shook her head vigorously, denying everything. Everything was perfect just a few days ago. Now her whole world cracked beneath her feet.

"I want to be someone that deserves to be with you... I would not repeat that day of being completely humiliated by my father... let alone by other aristocrats."

You already have me. What is your problem?

"You do understand my intention though, right, Gale?"

Newton briefly swung his suitcase on the carriage, a coach that will leave Meldovern.

"The solo concert tours are only going to be a few months... just for the rest of the semester and the summer break. I will be back for fall."

That is too long, Newton. Too long.

Aren't you worried about me? Worried about us?

"...Be safe, Gale," Newton kissed Gale on the forehead, quick and light. Then with a tight smile, he got into a carriage. He didn't look back because he was afraid his heart will weaken more if Gale breaks down.

Gale didn't break down. She didn't even shed any tears. This must be a bad dream, right? Newton was joking with her - please, let it be a bad joke.

It's not funny, Newton.

Everything became real when the carriage disappeared entirely out of her sight.

"...Come back, Newton," Gale managed to whisper.

Don't leave me.


Newton Frost, a rising star of classical music.

Tickets for Newton Frost Solo Concert: SOLD OUT.

Reincarnation of Paganini: Short interview from Newton Frost.

Gale laid down in bed, reading the newspaper. All the main headlines were about Newton. Even from a secluded place like Meldovern, she could hear how all the aristocrats in the country are basically begging to get a ticket to the show, paying more than thousands of dollars just to get the back seat.


She couldn't help but feel a little disgust toward her own class.

Gale threw the newspaper to the floor. The painting of smiling Newton in the newspaper looked so fake, she wanted to run right to Newton and hug him. Tell him that it will be alright.

She has been isolating herself for the past few weeks without Newton. She barely went to class, he barely practiced or ate. Gale just laid in bed, wondering how it went all wrong.

Gale hasn't erased all the music on her walls either. This was the last vestige that Newton left behind and she clung to it, reading the music every night. Gale felt her heart weighing heavier whenever she read the notes. The music screamed desperation.

Gale sat up in bed now, a newfound emotion stirring inside her. This all happened because of Anthony. He was the reason behind all the insecurities. The face of Anthony sneering at Newton like he was a mere bug sent a wave of anger inside Gale.

How dare he.

Gale impulsively walked up to her desk and began to write a letter to her secretary back home.

'Dear Sansha, 

I hope everything is alright back at home.

I want every information regarding the man, Anthony Frost, a new business partner of my father.

I know this is an odd request but it is urgent, and I trust you."

Gale signed the letter.

She was going to learn everything about the man she loathes, and she was going to find a way to destroy him. For Newton.


A few days after she sent the letter, Gale decided to begin practicing again. She couldn't keep herself being so depressed like this. She should keep going, and stay strong if she was to stand up against someone like Anthony.

Gale hesitantly opened her violin case for the first time in a few weeks. She picked up the instrument gingerly, realizing how much she missed playing the violin. When she took the violin to her shoulder though, something fell off from the back of the instrument. Confused, Gale looked down and saw a small paper fluttering to the floor.

Gale picked it up.

'I want you to be better when I come back, Gale. Keep practicing.'

The note was from Newton.

It was as if the lightning struck her.

Like a mad man, Gale began to search every corner of her room, trying to find more notes.

In the drawer full of medicine, she found another one -

"Don't make me worry, Gale. You know the drill: Eat, Rest, Sleep."

From her music book, she found it as well -

"This is one of my favorite pieces. We should play it together sometime."

After about an hour, Gale has found almost thirty or so hidden notes from Newton.

One note was under her very pillow -

"I will be missing you, Gale."

"Stupid commoner," Gale whispered, softly kissing the note.


The finals were approaching in Meldovern. Gale has been keeping up her pace now to go through yet another round of exams and projects. After her exams, Gale returned to her room to find a letter from home. She hurriedly opened the letter.

'Dear Ms. Smaragdos,

I hope you're healthy and well in Meldovern, ma'am.

I'm attaching all the histories and documents related to Anthony. There wasn't much but please refer to the back of the letter.

I must alert you though, that your father's heath has been declining abruptly. Your mother wants you to come back home right after the finals.

I'm sorry for the bad news.


Gale slid to the floor after she read the letter. Yes, her father was old but he has been healthy with no other complications. What made his health decline so suddenly?

After a few moments of heavy breathing, Gale toon out a pen and began to write a letter with a trembling hand -

"I need you."

Where are you, Newton, when I need you the most?

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