Room for growth - October Cherry Blossom

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He snapped back to reality at the voice. Gale was in front of him, handing him a cup. They were sitting at the side of Gale's bed.

"Careful, it's hot," Gale softly told him as Newton wrapped his fingers around the cup. The heat almost burned his hands but he couldn't feel it.

Gale sat down next to Newton, drinking her own tea. Newton followed, taking a small sip.

It was chamomile. A warm scent radiated from the cup.

He couldn't remember how he came to the dormitory. Everything was a blur. He just felt Gale's warm hand as it led him outside the concert hall - and now they were here.

"..I'm sorry, Newton," Gale gazed down at her cup. "I just... when I met him... I didn't want him to hurt you, that was all."

Newton closed his eyes. He knew there was nothing Gale should apologize to him for. She was right - Newton was not ready to confront his father, not yet.

"...don't say you're sorry -" Newton glanced at Gale, trying to smile. "- I will have to end up kissing you again."

"Then what should I say instead?" 

"There is a simple phrase called - I love you."

Gale pressed her forehead onto Newton's.

"I love you, Newton." 

And those words ached as they carved themselves into him.


Gale was sleeping soundly in bed. Newton silently stepped out of bed and to Gale's desk.

He couldn't sleep. Something inside him demanded attention, an arrangement. Something he couldn't fathom into words.

He took out a quill pen and started writing notes on a stack of paper, following his train of thought.

Could he ever be confident enough to confront his father?

No, not yet.

Could he ever be confident announce Gale as his, as she did in front of Anthony?

In front of all the aristocrats judging him by his status, probably not.

What is needed?

What should he do?

A talent wasn't enough. Recognition wasn't enough.

He did everything he can to reach where he is now.

Still, it wasn't enough.

He cannot protect Gale nor convince his worth to his father.

The notes spilled from the tip of his pen to the paper, to the desk, to the wall.

Nothing will be enough for Gale.

The mere thought crushed his heart so Newton tried harder to find a way, a way he can stay next to Gale. The music in his brain stopped in the early morning, formulating a plan to be a better man for Gale.

Gale woke up in the morning with dreamy eyes. She yawned, still tired from yesterday. When she opened her eyes, though, she jolted from an astonishing sight in front of her.

The walls were all covered up with music. Her desk was also covered in inky trails of melody. Stained papers were sprawled all over the floor, filled with notes after notes.

Newton was crouching in the middle of the floor, a broken pen in front of him.


Gale called the boy out hesitantly.

Newton looked up at Gale with a determined look on his face.

"Sorry Gale, I ran out of paper."

Newton inhaled a sharp breath as he looked down at his ink-stained hands.

"... I think I know what I should do from now."

He was going to debut as a soloist. And he knew, his talent was going to transform him into one of the richest men in Handorr.

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