A Flower in a gutter - Francisco El Carnaval de Venecia de Pagnini

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"There is an ocean of silence between us and I'm drowning in it." - Ratana Susuki

"Tempo - and forte-!" Newton clapped along with a metronome.

Playing the last note, Gale lowered her violin and collapsed on a chair, exhausted.

"We can take a break," Newton sat next to Gale as well, sweating.

Newton's coaching has enhanced Gale's violin playing tremendously for the past few weeks. Newton's music was still unparallel from other students, and he was receiving multiple love calls for violin solos. However, Gale knew Newton's mind was distant, focusing on something else during practices. And she knew what it was -


Darius Gavenii. He was the only musician in the Port Kaiim list that Newton hasn't crossed out.

"Are you sure it was him?" Gale asked.

"He graduated from Meldovern and entered Port Kaiim 12 years ago to perform Strauss concerts."

Newton looked up from the list, excited.

"I have a strong feeling... that it was him."

Newton wrote a letter to Darius and he was still waiting for a reply.


Seeing Newton so anxious to find the person, Gale felt a strange feeling stirring in her heart -was it jealousy? Gale shook her head to clear his thoughts but failed.

What were they even? They ate together, went to classes together, and practiced together. Sure, they kissed - twice. However, it was as if, after the last kiss, both of them were too scared to move forward, to venture into the unknown. Gale knew they were both being cautious but they have been staying in this strange gray zone for what seemed like forever. And Gale didn't like it- one bit.

"So, any plan for spring break?" Gale asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, yeah, I'm going back home," Newton replied.

Home? Newton had a home? Gale sat up straight with curiosity. She has never asked Newton about his house because he thought it might sound rude. There was a rumor that Newton was from the street. Gale didn't know how to interpret that so she never brought it up.

"Where is it?"

"In Shobaim."

"Hey, I live in Candra!" Gale exclaimed. She only lived an hour away from Newton's.

"Of course, Candra is where all the rich people live." Newton scoffed. Then, sensing the excitement of Gale's voice, Newton added in all seriousness.

"Do-not-even-think about coming to Shobaim."

"Why not?" 

Newton rolled his eyes.

"Believe me, young aristocrat. There are ALWAYS better places to be than Shobaim."


A few boring days of spring break passed. Gale's curiosity got the better of her. On one particularly boring afternoon, Gale searched for Newton's address in the Meldovern student contact book.

'6411 Dunham Road, Shobaim, Handorr.'

Alright, Gale could probably surprise Newton today. Gale had no idea that Shobaim, as Newton has warned, was no place for a naive aristocrat like her.

After an hour, Gale stepped out of the carriage and to the gloomy gray street. She almost called back the carriage that was leaving her. She had no idea a place like this could exist just outside Candra.

The road was filthy with grime. It was as if the entire place was covered with dust. The place smelled like urine and bird droppings. A big rat scuttled beside her. Gale quickly checked the address of the old apartment in front of her.

"6411 Dunham Road," Gale read the cracked sign. At least, she was in the right place. She tried to open the door but it was locked. Gale awkwardly stood next to the apartment, waiting for Newton. It was getting darker and Gale wished nothing more than Newton to show up - as quickly as he can.

Seeing her so out of place, two women passing by the bar walked up to Gale, interested.

"Searching for a good place to spend the night?"

They winked at Gale, their makeup thick and bright. Little did Gale knew, that Shobaim was the place where all the rich people in Candra came to pay for their darkest desires.

"Um, no. Not interested." Gale cowered further to the back. However, the prostitutes, enjoying her obvious discomfort, hold onto Gale's arms. Gale gulped with fear when she noticed the women hungrily eyeing her silver buttons and bracelets.  


Gale turned to the voice. Newton was standing across the street, groceries in his hand.

"Newton!!" Gale cried in relief.

"Wow, aren't you just stunning. Newton sarcastically muttered as he eyed Gale's pace face.

"You know him?" The women pouted.

"Yes, sorry ma'am. She's mine." Newton swiftly took Gale's trembling hands and unlocked the door to his apartment. When they came inside, Newton stopped, turned to Gale, and frowned.

"Why the hell are you here?" Newton scanned Gale from head to toe. Gale didn't seem hurt, just scared.

"I...um...was bored?"

"Well, I'm happy to see you're not, anymore," Newton sounded stern but he couldn't help but smile a little. It was good to see Gale again. Gale smiled back, relaxing a bit. She missed Newton's slightly crooked smile too.

Newton rubbed Gale's cheek with his sleeves.

"You wouldn't survive 5 seconds in Shobaim with those clothes. Follow me, you need to change."


Newton's room was small and simple - just a bed, a closet, a desk, and his violin. Newton rummaged through the closet and pulled out a black plain shirt.

"You should have done some research before coming here, Gale. Here, people don't wear things... like that." Newton gestured toward Gale's fancy white dress, laden with silver buttons and elegant linings around the sleeves.

"I'm sorry," Gale blushed as she unbuttoned to change. Newton looked away, coughing. Gale quickly changed to an old black shirt, which was a little too big for her.

"How do I look, normal now?" Gale asked.

"Just like a peasant," Newton laughed. With his clothes on, Gale really looked more ... approachable. However, her clean face and posture spoke nobility right away. Newton knew that Gale will shine the entire corrupt streets with her aura, drawing all kinds of people to her. Shobaim, really, was not a safe place for Gale but Newton knew a place he wanted to share.

"Come on now," Newton took Gale's hands, leading her back outside.

"Where are we going?"

"Isn't it obvious Gale," Newton rolled his eyes.

"I'm taking you out on a date."

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