Epilogue - Tailsweaver Reminiscence

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Five years have passed since Gale graduated from Meldovern.

Gale was now a true businessman. She has expanded the family business to various music industries in Handorr, including the construction of various opera and concert halls. She also made her own musician aid foundation to help musicians who need financial support. 

It has been a while since Gale practiced the violin though. The violin in her room was collecting dust in the corner, waiting patiently for a day when Gale wasn't busy - which was rare.

Gale was in her office, reading new documents waiting for her approval today.  

A servant girl came into her office, holding another stack of work. The girl was the one who gave Gale a bouquet at the bar in Shobaim. Gale had taken her into her home after graduation so that she can work beside her. 

"The documents are mostly about an outdoor concert hall in the park," the girl explained as she put the heavy paper on Gale's desk. 

"Thank you," Gale sipped her morning coffee, getting ready for another busy day.

"Oh, and someone sent you a letter just now too. He was just here a while ago at the front door."

"A letter?" 

Gale took a letter in her finger with curiosity. The letter was all wrinkled as if someone has fidgeted with it in his pocket multiple times.

Her eyes widened at the familiar handwriting at the back of the letter:

To Gale Smaragdos.

Gale tore open the letter. Unable to believe - after all those years - 


How have you been? I heard you're now more of a businessman than a musician. I'm happy for you though. 

Gale's hands trembled as she began to read. It was Newton. 

I have been all over the place, traveling. These days, I have been staying in a country far away from Handorr, a place called Kazim. I taught a youth orchestra there and you might not believe it - but I actually like teaching. And even without a thumb, I can still play the piano - sort of. 

Gale could almost hear Newton's chuckle from the letter. 

I arrived in Handorr only a few days ago, after many years. Do you know the first thing I did when I arrived? I went to the Forests of Silence. We had some fond memories there, you know. 

Gale laughed a little, choking back tears. 

I always wondered why they call it the forests of silence. Then I thought of what the musician at Port Kaiim told me. How Mozart said music is the silence between the notes. So in a sense, the school was surrounded by the grandest symphony in Handorr. And I like the name now because it reminded me of you. My life was full of despicable notes before you silenced them at that forest Gale, and I'm still grateful for that, for your music. 

Gale traced the letters, not letting a single word pass her without a heartbeat. 

I was never planning to come back to Handorr but I wanted to give you this. I wrote it during my travel - it's a violin duet. I won't be able to play it but maybe someday when you feel like it, you can play it with someone else. To think back to it, our first class with Professor Claude was a violin duet. That was a good time. 

Gale flipped to the back of the letter and found a piece of handwritten music by Newton. She read the notes carefully.

Divine melodies flowed from the paper. The first violin high and lonely, later supported by the warm gentle melody of the second violin; two violins madly but intricately enticing each other through the music. Gale immediately understood that the music reflected their story.

"Why am I still the second violin?"

Gale muttered to herself jokingly and returned to reading the rest of the letter. 

I'm taking a ship to leave Handorr today. I don't know where I'm going to go but that's the point of traveling, I guess. Anyway, I'm truly happy for your success, Gale. 

P.S. Practice at least a little from time to time, I will miss you and your music. I always will. 

And there was Newton's signature at the bottom of the letter. 

"...he was at the front door?" Gale asked, turning to the servant girl. 

The servant girl nodded.

Gale immediately stood up from her chair and ran outside - across the garden - to the street - to the port where all the ships stood to go out of Handorr. 

Gale searched desperately in the crowd, trying to find Newton. She didn't dare shout Newton's name in fear that he will run away again. There were too many people in the port and it seemed almost impossible to find someone here.

Then at the bar next to a small ship, she recognized a figure she could not forget after all these years. Gale held her breath. 

The memories, the emotions that she tried to block in order to escape from the pain flowed into her again. Gale remembered every time when she was lost, Newton was the one who led her into the unknown. The market in Shobaim, the Odal Beach, the mock wedding. 

Now, she realized she was going to do the same. 

Gale caught Newton's hand as he was walking up to board the ship. Newton stopped abruptly in his path but didn't look back, as if to be afraid of what would be waiting behind him. 


Gale silently took out her ring from her own thumb and threw it into the water. The ring sank heavily to the bottom of the ocean. Gale embraced Newton from the back, sensing a soft tremble.

"Take me with you."

Take us somewhere far away. 


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