The past he doesn't remember - Yiruma Time forgets

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As a child, Gale never liked following her father's business meetings. 

Her father wanted Gale to learn a bare minimum of what her family was doing in Handorr though. Thus, while Gale was allowed to focus on her music studies, she was required to follow some of her father's meetings.

Gale was seven years old, waiting patiently for her father in Port Kaiim. Her father had said it's not going to take too long when he entered the bar with his business partners. She could hear waves of laughter inside the bar that she was not allowed to go inside. 

The moon was shining brightly, reflecting against the waves. 

Gale took out her violin from the case. Might as well practice a little before her father comes. 

Gale tuned the violin and put a mute on. She shortly thought about what piece she was going to play. The waves lured her to play a piece for them. 

Maybe Blue Danube Waltz by Strauss. Gale decided. 

She has always liked this piece. It was a fun and joyful piece to play, matching the gentle waves of the port. 

Gale jumped when she heard a small clap coming from underneath her when she finished playing though. 

"Who is it?" Gale asked in the dark. She wasn't aware that anyone would be listening. 

"I'm under here." The voice called from the basement. 

Gale crouched down and saw a small window of a semi-basement peeping from the ground. She couldn't see the inside because it was too dark. 

"What are you doing there?"

"Thank you for the music." 

The voice entirely ignored her question. 

Gale blushed. Nobody has ever really complimented her music like that. She was so used to getting roasted by her family and teachers that it made her stomach turn into a butterfly when she learned that someone actually appreciated his music. 

Gale began to play a few other pieces for the person in the basement. She wondered if the voice also knows music, knows how to play the violin. 

"I heard that Mozart once said music is the silence between the notes," Gale carefully started the conversation, curious about what the person will say. 

"That Mozart guy must have been lonely as hell," the voice laughed. 

Gale laughed along. That was a unique perspective. 


"I guess...he wanted the time he was waiting for the next notes...that waiting to be beautiful too, right? I'm still waiting too...but it's still music......I like that........"

Gale couldn't hear most of the words because the voice faltered in volume. However, she wanted to meet the person and maybe, play the violin with him? Why not? 

"Come out, I want to hear you play," Gale called to the voice naively. 

However, as soon as she said it, her father called her from the bar. 

"Gale! Time to go, pack up your stuff!" 

Gale looked up at her father.


"Your mother's waiting. We'll be in big trouble if your mother catches me drinking," Gale's father laughed as he helped Gale pack up her violin and took her hand. 

"Come on." 

Gale obediently followed her father, with a violin case in her hand. It was a shame she couldn't meet the voice but Gale quickly turned his attention to her father talking about what her mother might have cooked for dinner. 

Gale's childhood was colorful and vibrant. The shady memory of Port Kaiim faded to the back of her mind and disappeared entirely as time passed. 

However, the memory of Port Kaiim was the brightest moment of Newton's life and it changed his path forever. 

The fever and the pain at that time distorted Newton's memory, making him believe that the musician was taller, older, and more manly than he remembered, the music much more mature and perfect than what he listened to. 

For all this time, Newton has been searching for a person that was right in front of him, but he would never realize it.

This was the past that they both cannot and will not remember.

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