Chapter 11

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Izaya's POV

I once again woke up to bright lights shining down on me, making a groan rumble from my throat. I covered my face with my arm, feeling a slight pain from it. I could feel Shizuo pushed up against me, his breathing pattern showing he was asleep. Everything felt fuzzy and numb. My head felt spacey and I felt a giggle escape my chapped lips. I knew the pain killers or whatever Shinra had me on were causing this effect, but I didn't care much, and enjoyed the oddly calming feeling. It almost felt like I was on laughing gas, or had just woken from anesthesia. I moved my arm away from my face, looking around the room, my mouth mindlessly agape.

Everything felt so bright and full of color, and I felt childish. My thoughts wandered endlessly, however they were forgotten moments after the came to mind. I laughed again, flopping my arm over the blonde man next to me. "Shizuo-chaaan~" I drew out the name, my voice feeling foreign to my own ears, and my words slurred. The man stirred, looking up at me with an annoyed expression. I giggled at that, playfully poking his cheek. His expression dissolved into one of confusion and surprise. He didn't speak, and I rubbed my finger against his eyebrow. "The hell?" He mumbled, his voice rough from sleep. I sat up, an idea coming into my mind. I rose to my feet, still on the bed, and began jumping up and down. I laughed gleefully, imagining myself on a trampoline. Shizuo got off the bed, watching me for a moment before leaving the room. When I noticed his absence I sat back down on the white sheets, crying like a child who'd lost their mom in the grocery. I cheered up when he returned, my smile widening when I saw Shinra poke out from behind him. I sniffled, and flopped onto the bed.

"He's acting...odd, even for him." Shizuo says to the doctor, which makes me yell, "Am not! You're just being a dummy head!" I stuck my tongue out at him spitefully. Shinra sighed, "I thought this would happen, the painkiller I used on him have some...interesting effects on the mind." I ignored them as they converced, rolling around on the bed, wrapping myself in the blankets. "I am...fatty tuna." I concluded, unable to figure out how to escape my plush prison of my own creation. I rolled off the bed, my head smacking the floor, I felt nothing and continued to roll. I quickly got bored of that and began wiggling around like a caterpillar. I slithered around Shizuo's legs, biting his pant leg to cling to him. I laughed around my mouthful of fabric. Shizuo paused in his conversation with the underground doctor to look down at me. I giggled as I bit down harder. Shizuo sighed, picking me up like a baby wrapped in a blanket. A purr like noise emerged from my mouth, and I nuzzled against his warm chest, feeling cold.

Shizuo's POV

I held the flea gently in my arms, turning back to Shinra. "I'm glad he's not in pain but...I've never seen him like this. Is this how he was when you were kids?" Shinra nodded, before shaking his head, leaving me confused. He put his hand to his chin, looking like a detective about to solve a crime, before continuing.  "When we were very young, yes. He was quite the carefree kid. Always smiling and playing. He was the most popular kid in our class. Then when we went into 2nd grade, he had changed. He was mute, and never smiled. I'm not quite sure what happened over that summer, but it changed him..."
Shinra glanced at Izaya, before turning back to me. "He spiraled out of control, up until he met you. He was in and out of the hospital, for various suicide attempts, attacks from gangs he messed with, and the like. Often times he would sleep on the streets, or come to my door to stay the night, covered in bruises and cuts. He never told me from where, but I'm assuming the gangs. He began idolizing himself as a god for a bit before we met you, however he still rarely spoke, and was a nervous wreck most of the time..." he paused, sighing. "When he met you the light in his eyes from when we were kids came back, he started talking and laughing more. Even though all he did was torment you. I was glad to see him happy, even though it was unconventional. And that's about all I can tell you."

I looked down at the raven in my arms, dozing off. I can't help but wonder what happened to him, but I'll have to ask him about it once he's recovered.
"How long until he can go back home?" I asked, not sure how to respond to Shinra just yet. "He should be okay to leave by tomorrow, however you shouldn't let him out of your sight, I'm scared he might try something again." I nodded. Shinra turned to leave the room, before looking back to me for a moment, "The painkillers. They will most likely make him temporarily extremely bipolar. Currently he seems very happy, however I warn you, he might switch and lash out at any moment." He left the room, leaving me alone with the loopy flea. I glanced down at the man in question, nearly asleep against me. I bit my lip, hoping that he would just sleep and the side effects Shinra spoke of wouldn't come to life.

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