Chapter 15

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Izaya's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes to the sun beaming on my face. I rolled over, once to curse as pain shot through me, forcing me to sit up.
The memories from last night came flooding back to my head, and I sighed. I limped my way to the bathroom, pulling out my first aid kit and setting it on the counter. I took a quick bath, standing for too long on my left leg painful in my current state. The bathwater quickly turned red, my calf still bleeding lightly, the wound deeper than I thought. I inspected my wrist and ribs, broken. They'd take a while to heal surely. Thankfully I write with my left hand, so using my knife and basic tasks won't be too much of a problem. I wrapped my ribs and wrist in tight bandages, the best I can do for now. I knew wrapping your ribs too tight could cause further damage, and trouble breathing, but I didn't much care. I treated my scrapes and the gash on my calf with an antiseptic solution, hoping they don't get infected, the germs from the dumpster a threat. The gash was deep, nearly to the bone. Around it my flesh was changing into a sickening shade of purple.
I should go to get treated properly by Shinra, however with my having gone to him so much recently it was debatable.
I went to walk, stumbling and grimacing at the pain shooting through me. That settles it then, Shinra's it is.

It took me around an hour to get to Shinra's, not very fast on my injured leg. I knocked, "Oi, Shinra!" I yelled, too tired to act cheerful today. I was greeted face to face? by Ikebukuro's resident dullahan. I sighed, plopping myself down on their couch. "Is Shinra home?" I asked hesitantly, knowing Celty saw everything yesterday. 'No. He's out right now. He should be back soon.'
Well, shit. My head was becoming fuzzy from the combination of my injuries my lack of eating. "Mind if I take a nap while I wait for him?" I asked, causing what can only be described as Celty raising a brow. 'Go ahead. You okay?'
"Never better..." I replied, before quickly falling asleep.

I woke up to a tap on my shoulder. I groaned, opening my eyes to find myself face to face with my childhood friend and underground doctor. "You're alive! So, what's the occasion Izaya?"
I blinked in confusion, still delirious given I just woke up. I yawned before speaking. "Got a bit beat up yesterday, the usual." "Ahh, Now I remember, Celty told me what happened!" Shinra clapped his hands together.
"So, what are your injuries?" He asked, sitting down next to me.
"Hmgh, the usual more or less. My wrist is broken, so are some of my ribs. Got a bunch of cuts and bruises, but I took care of those myself. Only thing I'm worried about is a deep gash in my leg, Shizu-chan hit me with a street sign again.." Shinra nodded, inspecting my wounds. "If you had come in last night I could have stitched that up, but now that's it's closed there's nothing much I can do for it. For now, just rest up easy and make you sleep and eat properly. Your body needs the right sustenance to heal." I sighed, nodding in understanding. "Thanks anyways..." Shinra knew I wouldn't want a cast, not wanting to be seen as weak to my clients. I left hastily, wanting to get home soon to avoid running into Shizu-chan again.

Shizuo's POV

I was making my way towards Shinra's to inform him of yesterday's events, when I saw a certain flea take his leave. I growled angrily, making my way towards him. He locked eyes with me, and froze. I dragged him to an alley so we could talk in private.

Izaya's POV

I could feel my heart quickening as Shizuo tossed me haphazardly against a brick wall. I winced, pain shooting from my injured ribs. "What do I owe the pleasure, Shizu-chan?" I said cheerfully, eyeing the monster in front of me warily. "I need some information." I blinked in surprise, not expecting that in the slightest, "Oh? What information do you need?"
He crouched down to meet my gaze, before speaking, "I need to know if you're alright. Mentally and physically. Don't lie." I froze, not knowing how to respond. I averted my gaze to my hands, biting my lip. What should I do, what should I say, come on Izaya!
He seemed so gentle and caring after my incident. But yesterday he nearly killed me. I ran my good hand through my hair, "You want the straight answer?"
He nodded, peering into my soul with his warm brown eyes.

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