Bad news

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Liz's POV

"Liz!" Amanda exclaimed, desperately trying to get my attention back to her.
I just shrugged it off and continued to eat my food.

She tried it over and over again. Amanda nudged my shoulder with hers of pushed me, even took away my chopsticks.

I couldn't be bothered more and looked at her. ,,Okay okay fine. What?!" ,,Why do you ignore me?" She asked, totally clueless.

,,Because you heathen did it again." I said and took a sip from my water. She looked at me and titled her head.

,,What?" ,,The licking thing!" I shoot over a glance of annoyance. ,,Oh." She said and looked down, but definitely not in an apologizing way.

I sighed. ,,You know I hate that." My eyes were locked on hers as she got her head back up.

,,That's exactly the reason why I did it." She said smiling. ,,Demon." I simply retorted and rolled my eyes.

Amanda giggled a bit and continued to eat herself. Luckily she didn't licked out the bowl again.

We started another conversation again and talked about various things. Some typical gossip and some news or trends on any social media.

As soon as we finished, Amanda paid and we got up.
The Starbucks drinks were also empty after our dinner.

We got back into Amanda's white Range Rover. She even held open the door for me and closed it gently once I was inside.

Amanda herself got in the drivers seat and started the engine. Her car roared to live and we drove down the highway to Amanda's house.

It was planned, that I stay at her place this night.
The street lights passed by and the road was almost completely empty.

When we crossed the bridge, my eyes locked on Amanda's profile. I needed to know what was off.

„Amanda?" ,,Hm?" ,,What did your mother write? And..who texted you earlier?" I asked, looking down and away.

It was showing that she fought with her inner self. She didn't speak for good two minutes. Her mouth did open a few times, thinking about wat she could say.

„It was nothing." She answered simply. „Tell me." My voice got more demanding and sad. I hated when she had secrets from me.

„Liz it's really not that important." ,,I don't believe you. If it's not important you can still tell me." she sighed, giving up to fight with me.

„My mother told me" Her voice got quieter to the end. It definitely was something off and wrong.

„What news?" I asked in confusion over her undetailed answer. „Your mother..she.." i interrupted her immediately, being overly concerned.

„What is with her?!" I almost shouted, turning my eyes back to her. She closed her eyes for a second but held her eyes on the street.

„It's nothing with her! It's about you!" She exclaimed and sighed. „Your mom got the results from the hospital." She almost whispered.

My eyes widened. My heart skipped a beat and I was totally startled by her avowal.

,,How are they?" I asked, letting my head down. Amanda looked at me as she was waiting at the red traffic light. ,,I'll tell you everything when we are home okay? You should be in a calm place for that and drink tea."

I just nodded. I needed to know but Amanda was right. It was better when I sit down.

Amanda continued to drive home and parked in
front of her house. We got out and I grabbed the stuff I brought with me for the night and we headed inside.

Amanda closed the door and I tossed the bag in the corner as well as I took out my shoes and jacket.

I turned around as Amanda took out her jacket and looked at her.

„Now tell me." I said curious. She returned the gaze and shook her head. „Sit down first." She said and I did as told.

I claimed a spot on her big couch and crossed my legs. My full attention was on her and how she sat down next to me. She turned her body to me and locked her eyes with mine.

„Liz.." She started. I was banned in her eyes and I felt how my heartbeat got faster. „Your mother, as you know, got the results today. She texted my mother immediately since you're staying over at my place. And we were out so my mom texted me about it."

,,Can't you just spit it out?" I asked, annoyed from not knowing. „ have only two more weeks until your operation, but that operation could end very bad. The doctors don't know if you will survive that."

My eyes caught tears. ,,What do you mean?! Amanda I will survive that! Right?! They just don't know what they're talking about. Please tell me that is not true!"

I shouted and the hot liquid ran down my cheeks uncontrollably. Amanda looked down. „I can't tell you..I don't know either."

My world broke down. What if I die?

„Liz..I pray that you won't die and..I'll be there the whole time. I won't leave you and the doctors will try everything they can." She assured me. I still was scared.

My eyes wandered down and to my hands in my lap. Salty tears dropped down and stained the inside of my palms.

Amanda got her index finder and thumb on my chin and got it up, forcing me to look at her.

„Listen.. No matter how hard it will be, the doctors will do their job and you won't die. And remember I promised you something right? And you two. You promised me something too. Keep that promise."


Well..cliffhanger. Kinda.

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