Chaos in Paradise

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Amanda's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The door closed with a rather loud bang. They left..
Tears literally streamed down my cheeks and fell to the ground.

I was a mess and it wasn't even my fault. Leo was probably trying to win Liz now. What if I lose her now? What if Leo won? My crying continued. The sobs got louder and I eventually screamed into a pillow a few times.

A few minutes later A.J. knocked on my door. ,,Amanda are you alright?" ,,No!" I shouted, upset and hurt from Leo's action and Lizs behavior.

,,Wanna talk about it?" A.J. was always there for me in such situations. I slowly opened the door and allowed him to step inside. He sat down on my bed and I closed the door again, sitting with my back against it.

,,Wow you look devastated. What happened?" I smiled a little. ,,Thanks haha..well uhm." I sobbed and tried to speak normal, but I was somehow out of breath. My heart felt so heavy.

,,Come here." A.J. pat the space next to him and smiled kindly. I did as told and snuggled up next to him. He pulled me into a long lasting hug and caressed over my back.

,,Now tell me..what happened here?" We parted and I looked at him. My vision was still kind of blurry and my eyes hurt from that much crying.

,,Liz..and Leo.." ,,Leo? Who's that?" A.J. interrupted. ,,Right you don't know her..She is an old friend of Liz..she came here yesterday in the middle of the night."

,,And why is that?" ,,She was running away from this Jason guy who slapped her and treated her wrong." I rolled my eyes. At that point I was thinking that he treated him wrong. But who was I to judge that?

,,Oh. So what did they do then?" A.J. looked straight into my eyes and wiped away some of my tears. ,,Leo burned some pictures of her and Liz but told Liz that is was me. She even placed a lighter in my pocket. And Liz freaked out and they left."

,,Oh my, Amanda I'm so sorry. You should talk to her." ,,I tried. But she would not listen. Leo convinced her that it was me." A.J. frowned. ,,Prove her wrong then."

I was confused. ,,And how do you think I should do that?" There was no way Liz would believe me. ,,The cameras." My body froze for a second.

We had installed cameras inside the floor a long time ago and they were just close enough to also film the living room. And especially the place where the photo albums were stored.

,,A.J. You're a genius." I smiled bright and found a little bit of hope. ,,Haha yeah. Come with me and we see if we find something on there."

And so we got up. I washed my face before and then A.J. and I checked the security cams. There were a few embarrassing things..

,,We definitely have to delete them later.." I laughed nervously and looked at A.J.. He nodded in agreement. ,,Promise we won't tell a single soul." ,,Promise." We both just started laughing. That brought us a little closer as well.

A.J. was such a good friend. I was able to be myself around him and do every kind of bullshit with him.
So I didn't have a huge problem with him seeing me and Liz make out..It still was embarrassing.

However. After a few more days of footage, we finally got to the moment when Leo entered the house. Somehow she managed to get inside on her own. That bitch must have stolen a key.

,,There! It's her!" I exclaimed and we watched her moves closely. Leo walked into the kitchen and after that into the living room. ,,Seems like she has something in her hand." A.J. pointed out. ,,Yea. Probably the lighter.

Leo looked around on the search for something. The photo albums. ,,Look!" Leo made her way over to the shelve and took out some of the albums.

,,I knew it was her!" I was so upset and mad at her. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her rip apart the photo of our first date.

,,A.J. did you see that?!" He nodded. ,,Yes. Okay listen Amanda. I'm gonna load that into your phone and you're gonna show Liz.

,,Yes. Thank you A.J." We connected my phone to the computer and loaded the footage onto my phone. ,,I hope that Liz believes me now.." ,,She will." A.J. pat my back and smiled softly.

I was ready to bust that bitch. ,,Okay I gotta go. Thanks again!" ,,Anytime sweetie!" We laughed and I grabbed my jacket as well as my keys and headed out.

Liz didn't live far from me. Approximately 20 minutes. So I took the car and made my way to her house, hoping that I would find her there.

The car drive was the longest I ever had. I overthought everything. And I was hella scared that Leo won. But as soon as I would show Liz this footage she would believe me and let Leo fall.

My stomach growled and I felt my hunger grow. ,,Fuck..I haven't eaten since yesterday and it's almost 4pm." A lot of time weirdly passed really quick.

I figured I would stop and get a coffee real quick and then head over to Liz. So I did just that and ordered myself a gingerbread chai latte. Liz's favourite.

I just wanted to feel like I have her around. I took the coffee with me and drove to Liz. Her car was still in the parking spot so I assumed the two of them were home.

I stepped out of the car and locked it. The way up to her porch was hard and I grew nervous. My body trembled a little bit, fearing Liz would not come back to me.

But I didn't make it to her porch. I saw her with Leo..cuddling on the couch...


Oh geez. I probably get this story done quicker than I wanted..oof

Anywho. Cliffhanger ;) the thing y'all love so much kappa.

Well see you soon lovelies <3

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