Moonlakes Magic

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Oof this pic matches so well!💙

Anyways. Since I've been forced to continue writing..thanks QueenAenean 🙄😂here's another chapter. ❤️


3rd person

Liz opened her eyes and finally saw the beautiful little lake Amanda lead her to. The moon shone above and the water was drowned in the light.

„This.." she was speechless, eyes kept locked on the mirroring full moon. „I know right." Amanda took Liz's hand and walked closer to the water.

„What are you doing?" Liz stopped and looked at her fiancé. „I wanted to go for a swim." Amanda smiled and turned to Liz.

„Would you like to join me?" „Hell to the fuck no!" With widened eyes, Amanda looked at Liz. „What?! Whyyyy?" she wined and made lil puppy dog eyes.

„It's late, we don't have bikinis here and it's probably freezing cold." „You like the cold tho." „Yea, I do. But not in a lake at night."

„Fine. Then I'll go by myself." and just as Amanda said it, she started to undress herself until she was fully naked. „You will freeze to death. And I'm not going to help you."

Amanda just turned around without any words and walked into the -surprisingly warm- water. She went deeper until her knees were fully covered.

„Can you come out now?" Liz stood at the shore and watched her fiancé getting embraced by the water.

„No, you come in." Amanda smirked and played a little with the water, drawing circles in it. Liz only shook her head. „No, I most definitely will not."

„Please." and as soon as Amanda said please, liz melted and she gave up. „Fine! But if I get sick, it's all your fault!" Amanda smiled and Liz undressed herself until the last piece joined Amanda's pile of clothes on the ground.

Amanda stared at Liz and catched her blushing while hiding her boobs and down part. „Are you embarrassed?" she asked.

Liz denied immediately but kept hiding her privat areas. „No! Why would I? It's just you." „Just me? Wow. I'm offended." Amanda fake pouted amd crossed her arms in front of her breast.

„You saw me naked too." „I's just..I'm insecure.." Liz admitted and looked down a little, avoiding eye contact with Amanda.

„'s Fine. Your body is wonderful." Amanda stuck out one hand for Liz to take. „Just come here, love."

So Liz smiled and took her finances hand. She slowly walked up to Amanda and they soon were together in the water.

„Shall we go deeper?" Liz nodded and they walked in more, following the light path which the moon has created.

Deeper and deeper until both of their body's were completely vanished in the dark water. Only their heads and a little bit of their shoulders were left.

„ is the water? It's not as could as you thought, huh?" Amanda looked at Liz, knowing she won this round.

„Yeah..I have to admit you were right. „ Liz sighed and looked up at the sky and the millions of stars. Amanda walked behind Liz and laid her arms around her waist.

„The stars are just as beautiful as you are all the time." she mumbled into lizs neck and gave her little kisses.

„Awe Baby..not here.." Liz wanted to turn around but was kept in play from Amanda. „Why not? No one can see us here. We are all alone."

Her hands wandered up Lizs sides and she whispered in her ear. „It's just you and me, babygirl."

Liz shivered and Amanda smirked. „Come'll be fun." the blonde got flustered when Amanda's hands finally reached her breast. „Amanda.." she moaned slightly and closed her eyes.

„Shh." Amanda purred and turned Liz around. She got her on her waist and held her close with her hands under lizs tights.

„I really don't think we that here.." Amanda shut Liz up with a kiss and one hand of hers tangled itself into Lizs hair. While Liz laid her arms around Amanda's neck.

„What if someone catches us?" Liz breathed and looked longingly at Amanda. She was just wanting it as much as Amanda did.

„This is a hidden place babygirl. No one will catch us here. And it's so dark people won't even see us."
And from there, Liz was convinced and kissed Amanda passionately.

Her lips longed for more and they made out. The water moving slowly around them and their eyes, drowned with Lust and the light of the moon.

Tho little did they know that there was something..someone..

Amanda went further and down between Liz's legs. „Relax for me.."

~I'm to lazy to write smut sorry not sorry~

After Liz came down from her high, Amanda set her down again and kissed her before deciding to get out of the lake.

Both girls walked out and dressed walked to the car. They didn't took towels with them so they did not want to put on the clothes.

„I'm glad that I have come prepared for this." Amanda said as she tossed Liz a nice, fluffy towel. „Thank you love." Liz smiled, still a little flustered from earlier.

„Mhm of course." Amanda got a towel herself and they dried themselves and put back on the clothes.

„Wanna go home now?" Amanda asked as she started the engine. And Liz nodded, answering Amanda's question with a quiet ‚yes'.

In the exact moment the headlights turned on, Liz jumped and clinged to Amanda. „You saw that?!" she asked in panic and looked around everywhere to find the thing she meant.

It was gone though. „What do you mean? There was nothing?" „Yes there was! It was like a shadow or a person or something!" „Liz here is nothing. That was probably just a tree or an animal."

Amanda looked Liz in the eyes and smiled. „You watch way too many horror movies." „You are watching them with me tho!"

Liz pouted a little and Amanda gave her a peck on the lips. „I know. But don't worry it was nothing."

Was it..?

The cliffhanger queen title will remain mine.

Well here you go with another chapter. Guess what will happen. And what could this ‚nothing' be?

Bai lovelies <3

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