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3rd person

Amanda froze, looking at Liz. ,,I..uh..uhm.." Liz interrupted. ,,Do you like me?" She said mockingly but deep down she hoped for Amanda to say yes.

,,Well.." Amanda's blood rushed to her cheeks and she blushed really bad. ,,Liz I-." Amanda couldn't even talk before the door opened and the doctor walked in.

,,Excuse me miss I just forgot-." The mans eyes locked on Liz and a bright smile formed on his lips. ,,I see you are awake." He said calmly and stepped a little bit closer.

Liz nodded and smiled. She was still weak and she better saved her energy. ,,I am glad. But that means we also have to do a few checks if that is okay."

,,Does it have to be now?" Amanda asked, wanting to be alone with Liz for some time.

,,Unfortunately yes. I have to ask you to go out please." The doctor faced Amanda. ,,You can wait outside. It will only take a few minutes. I'll call you in once we're done."

Amanda nodded and followed his request. She walked outside waving a little bit at Liz. Amanda then closed the door behind her and sat down in the waiting room of the hospital.

Amanda's pov

I sat down one seat apart from another patient and took out my phone. ,,Fuck.." I silently whispered to myself.

My phone was at only 20% battery. I rolled my eyes at my own dumbness. Why didn't I charge it?
I opened Instagram and went through my feed and private messages.

There were a few from close friends who send me memes and a few from random people who reacted to my stories or just wanted to tell me something.

I replied to most of them and watched how the battery got less. The time said 1:43 in the morning. I was surprised that I did not fall asleep. I was exhausted, but I just couldn't sleep when I would see Liz again soon.

Another ten minutes passed and the doctor who was in the room with Liz came back and approached me. ,,You can go to her again. But please keep the voice down and don't stress her too much."

I nodded quickly and made my way back to the room Liz was housed in. The door opened as I pushed it to the side and I closed it again.(it's a slide door)

There was Liz, sitting up straight on the bed. ,,Hey." I smiled and walked over to her bed. I took the chair and sat down, meeting her gaze.

Liz did not return my greeting and just straight jumped to ask me the question from earlier again. ,,Why did you kiss me?" Her expression was a mixed between concern and curiosity.

I look to the side and thought about how I would confess. I needed to. There was nothing to cover up the kiss. I sighed and looked back at her.

Liz's eyes were sparkly and she looked at me fondly.
,,Liz I..I like you.." Those words felt so right to say but at the same time so wrong.

Those words could have ruin our friendship,, but somehow still surprised, Liz only smiled and placed her finger under my chin.

,,I like you fact I love you.." She confessed and I leaned close to her.

,,Really?" I asked shyly and unsure if she really meant it. She nodded slowly. ,,Yes you dork." Then she kissed me.

Her tender lips locked with mine and her hands tangled into my hair. I placed my hand on her cheek and got up from the chair to get closer. Then I sat down on the bed next to her, our lips still locked.

Liz smiled into the kiss and we soon had to part for the need of oxygen. She leaned her forehead against mine.

Her hands were still at the back of my head, tangled into the mellow strands of my hair. Both of our eyes were closed and I could only feel lizs small breath on my lips.

,,How long..did I wait to do this?" I questioned myself. I did not realize that I said it out loud until Liz answered me. ,,Definitely Not longer than me."

I smiled and backed a little bit away, locking my eyes with hers. ,,How would you know that?" I asked jokingly.

,,Well I think I loved you for way longer." Liz retorted and raised a brow. I tilted my head. ,,Oh really? For how long do you love me?" It was visible how shy she got after I asked her that.

,,Maybe for a few years.." That got me off guard. ,,Why did you never told me?" ,,I was sure that this would ruin the friendship and I was way too scared." She looked down.

,,Scared that I would lose you." ,,Liz.." I got her chin up with my finger and smiled fondly. One of my hands placed itself on her cheek again and my thumb caressed over it.

,,You won't ever lose me. And I won't ever lose you. I could not live without you. I am so glad that we finally confessed. I loved you for a few years too and was always too afraid of your reaction."

Liz's eyes as well as my own eyes caught tears. I wiped them away with my thumb and smiled. ,,I love you so much.." ,,I love you too."

Liz pulled me into a passionate kiss and I once again felt like I'm in heaven.


Yay another chapter and there's no cliffhanger wouu!

I hope y'all enjoyed the fact that Liz is alive and they kissed. All my plans are changed.
Anyways love y'all!!!

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