Picture Perfect

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There will be a lot pov changes in this and the next chapter hehe..

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Liz's POV  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Leo and I found a quite place on a park bench. It was a little on the end of the park. Not far from the main street.

,,Aren't you afraid that Jason could see you here somewhere?" I asked worried about the safety of my best friend.

,,No. He is still in California. He wouldn't follow me here." Leo said that with such confidence that made me curious why she thought that.

,,But he's so possessive. He would follow you everywhere." ,,Yeah. But I just have the feeling that he won't follow me here." I just smiled and enjoyed the fresh air.

,,You know..I missed you so much." I turned to Leo. She was smiling so bright. Leo was always a happy person. There was almost nothing that broke her smile. Sure she just hid her emotions but she did it to protect other people from worrying to much.

,,I missed you too." I returned the smile and Leo laid her hand on my cheek. ,,Uhh..what are you doing?" ,,I just wanted to look into your eyes." She replied softly.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Amanda's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

As I walked past the park, I saw Leo and Liz on this bench. Leo has her hand on lizs cheek. What the hecking fuck are they doing there?!

I hid a little and watched them closely. Liz didn't move a single inch and Leo just looked at Liz. Though after a few seconds Leo leaned in on Liz.

No. Nononono. That is not happening.
I was ready to run at her and slap Leo, but Liz eventually realized that Leo got closer and moved away.

I continued to watch them for another five minutes before Leo got up and walked away. After that I really walked over to get something to eat.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Liz's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Leo leaned in closer and started to close her eyes. What is she doing?! I backed away. ,,Leo what the heck are you doing?"

,,Huh?" Leo seemed confused, as if she didn't do anything. ,,You we're trying to kiss me.." ,,I uhm..sorry I didn't mean to.."

Leo looked flustered. A light pink painted her cheeks. ,,Uhm..Leo you know I love Amanda.." ,,Yes I know." Her expression was sad. Does she like me?

,,I'm sorry." ,,Leo do you like me..?" I asked very soft and concerned. She just looked at me, unable to say anything.

,,Leo..?" She stood up then and didn't look at me. ,,I need to go." And with that, Leo left me alone in the park.

Even after 20 minutes she didn't come back. My mind started to wander. What if she really likes me?
As soon as I stood up and wanted to leave, I saw Amanda walking down the street.

,,Amanda!" I yelled to get her attention.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Amanda's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I heard Liz shouting my name from the other side of the street. She was still at the bench, but without Leo. Did she really leave?

Liz walked over to me and kissed my cheek. ,,You were outside?" She asked and looked at Lilly. ,,Yea. We didn't had anything to eat anymore so I went to buy something." I replied and smiled a little.

,,Where is Leo?" I cut off Liz before she could even say anything. ,,Oh she left like 25 minutes ago.." Liz made a sad face. ,,Do you know where she is?" Please say we don't have to look for her..

,,No I don't. And I'm really worried." ,,Dont worry she is probably just at home or somewhere around." Liz nodded. ,,I hope so. Let's head home."

I smiled and we went home together. But as soon as we got home, there was an unwanted surprise.

Leo cried on the ground with a picture in her hand. ,,Leo!" Liz ran to her and hugged her on the ground. ,,What are you doing here?!"

,,I went home after I left you..and I was looking though old photos..then I found this." Leo held up a picture of Liz and..her?

,,This Picture was my favorite..and someone destroyed it with fire.." Liz looked at the picture and teared up. ,,No.."

,,Amanda did you do that?" Leo suddenly looked up at me and had a light smirk on her face. ,,No! Why should I do that?!"

,,Baby.." Liz looked hurt. ,,I did not touch those photos!" ,,Then what is that?!" Leo held a lighter in her hand. ,,Tell me one good reason why I should burn such meaningful photos?"

,,Well i don't know but this proves it! And you also told me to stay away from Liz!" ,,That's a lie!" I looked at Liz who was confused and she cried.

,,Liz that is not true! She said that not me! She burned those photos!" ,,Amanda don't lie to me.." Lizs voice was trembling.

,,Baby..I'm not lying. Why should I burn those photos?" ,,What do I know?! Maybe you're jealous! I knew you were crying when you were in the bathroom!"

,,I did not burn the photos though.." I got quiter to the end. Liz really trusted Leo more than me. Her fiancé. The one she loves.

,,Liz I would never." ,,Go please.." Liz was serious. She wanted me to leave. I looked down, unable to hold back my tears. ,,I can't believe you trust her more than your own fiancé.."

I walked out the room and into my bedroom, since we were still in my house. I broke down, hurt with the knowledge that Leo got what she wanted..

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Liz's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I couldn't believe Amanda did it..but the lighter and the statement Leo said..it made sense. Amanda was jealous. But did she really had to burn those pictures?

I turned around to Leo, tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. The last sentence Amanda said before she left hurt.

,,Shh it's okay..luckily I still have a copy of that picture." Leo embraced me and let me cry on her shoulder.

,,We should go home.." I said and stood up. ,,Home?" ,,My parents house. I don't want to stay here."!

And so we grabbed our stuff and drove over. Lilly came with us since it's not Amanda child.


Oh no chaos in the lovebirds paradise..
What will happen next..? ;)

Bye lovelies <3

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